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250G UT Best Bios?

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Well ok, could wait any longer for the 939 board to come out :( , so I ordered a 250G UT and a 3400 NC. Just wondered, I did a search but it came inconclusive, what is the best bios for the 250G UT at the moment?


Many thanks

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He He, I aint got a computer. Took my 2800XP and Ultra B system apart last night and im sat here at college while my parts are being delivered. Will be updating when I get online tonight.


Thanks for the bios answer though RGone, saves me some trouble :)

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Originally posted by RGone

The one shipping on the board is about as good as it gets. No one has jumped up and down about any real increase with any of 3 beta bioses floating around.





Rgone, any new official bios releases in the near future?

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Well, since you are asking, I like 10/15 oscar. I like that memtest 86 is built right in. I have read that it is a pretty good bios for oc'ng and I like it too. Seems pretty stable, but I'm only moderately oc'ng at the moment.

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Well I cant set up the new stuff :( , I bought a new coolermaster Prae of someone which didnt come with all the mobo tray screws, so with the heavy Arctic Cooler Freezer I dont want to rish the weight on a un supported board. Will buy some tomorrow hopefully because the generic ones from old case didnt fit the Praetorian.


I have some other questions though :P


1. Has anyone got a picture of where the MAC Address is on the board? I heard descriptions but cant see anything that looks like a mac address on my board.


2. I have an unattended window CD with my LP Ultra B in which i hacked the txtsetup.sif in windows to automatically load the si3114r drivers instead of pressing F6 and using a floppy.


I have heard nforce3 doesnt need to use F6? unless your using the raid? I need to know this because if you do still need to press f6 to make your sata drives detected then I need to update the txtsetup.sif.


I think thats all for now

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In answer to your questions:


The MAC address of your onbaord NIC should be printed on a sticker on the side of your agp slot. I will be posting pics to illustrate momentarily.


Yes, you should not have to load any additional drivers to install windows XP on a SATA drive.

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Thanks, jastervoid thats very appreciated :)


I thought by a disc i read that it was behind the AGP towards to CPU on the PCB.


Keep looking at motherboard on ground :( so badly wanna install it, why do Coolermaster have to have different size motherboard tray stand offs :/



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good job jastervoid, nice pic!


Another way if you don't want to open up case:


If you cannot find your MAC address in either the box or on the card, please follow the instructions below, depending on your operating system (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Professional, Win XP, Macintosh OS, Macintosh OS X, Solaris/SunOS, Linux, FreeBSD, or HP).





Using your mouse, click on the Start Button.

Click on Programs.

Next, click on Accessories, and then Command Prompt.

Once a small black window appears, type in ipconfig /all (with a space between the g and the /).

Locate the number to the right of Physical Address. This is your MAC address.

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