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Buying 64 Processor

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Hey Guys iam looking and reading up on things with these NF3 boards and processors for the last week or so and would like to build a 64 bit system.The board is no problem but the processor is,id like to go with a 3400 but the money is not here right now so i was thinking of a mobile 3000 1mb L2 and the steppings

AMN3000BIX5AR-CAABC0417TPMW.Would you guys give me some feedback on this processor for i dont know much on them.I can get it OEM for $118.Thanks Guys.

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You really cant go wrong with the 3000 for the money. The stepping of the particular cpu you are looking at is a CG, which is good. The date of manufacture is 17th week of 2004. Not the most recent date, but should be ok. I'm really not sure what is considered a "recent" date on a 3000. Someone else may be able to clarify on that. At $118, sounds like a good value. I have been very pleased with the performance of my 3000. A wise purchase for budget.



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Also, that mobile 3000 with 1mb of L2 cache will be really nice. You should get even better OC results with the mobile versus the desktop version I have. The clawhammer cores are very good overclockers, better than the newcastles in most cases. I believe the mobiles run at 62w versus 89w for the desktops, which is a considerable advantage especially when overclocking. Boy, I wish I had a mobile version. NewEgg is still listing the OEM Desktop version for like $145. For $118 to get a mobile, you can't go wrong. You are planning on purchasing from Excalibur, right? With the right setup, I wouldn't doubt that it could break the 2.6 Ghz barrier.



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Ya that looks like the best beet for the money right now David.I whish i could get the 3400 mobile,if i could manage i will but the 3000 will be the way to go if not.The lower volts on the mobile gives you the advantage over the desktop to run at a lower temp for sure,i just hope to get a good one like we all do.I reed a lot in these fourms about the good ones and there steppings to try to get a good one and its realy true like Rgone says, its luck of the draw.I been threw that myself,i traided in one befour thinking if i get one with guaranteed stepping that it would be a good overclocker and it did not do any better than the one i had.Luck of the Draw has some truth to it.Thanks for the help Daved and for your feedback also CPUZ,if i cant go with the 3400 the 3000 will be the way to go.

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