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PSU Squeal

Guest Byron_merged

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I doubt this is motherboard releated but I thought I would get an opion anyway:


Just recently my power supply started squealing at boot up. It has a high pitch squeal the whole time the CPU is on but it is worse at boot. It has been fine until I added 2 more HD's to my raid array. My first guess is that I need to get a new PSU thats 600w or more. The one I have now is a 500w Vigor PSU. After running for about 10 minutes the noise is barely noticible. Any thoughts and or reccomendations?

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You have surpassed the maximum current the unit will supply. The squealing sound you hear is the ringing of the coils as they try to supply more current than they are designed for. As the coils heat up they expand. This is the reason the level of sound drops with time. Heat and stress are not your friend.


Reduce the load on the PSU or you will cause it to fail in short order.


You don't need a "bigger" PSU, just one that has better stuff inside. Take a look at some of the sigs from other users. This will give you an idea of what works.


Stay with a name brand like Enermax, Thermaltake or Fortron. Once you have decided on a couple of choices, post them and let us offer some suggestions.


Good luck.

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here are some reviews from newegg on your power supply


Just a quick "heads-up".....I just received my MGE 500w, and, while it looks absolutely gorgeous out of the box, it also didnt work out of the box.....Ive seen DOA's that had more life in them than this, and I'm going to give the manufacturers one last chance before I give up and buy a name brand I can place a little more faith in like Antec or TT.....On the positive side, Newegg has been, as their usual, fantastic to deal with, and hopefully you guys will see a better review on Power supply #2......





N/A,7/28/2004 9:31:15 PM


Well..this psu is really hard to rate. The looks are amazing but when it runs, well...thats a different story. I bought one and my railiings where way off like 12.6 on the +12 line. I returned it and got another one and it was 12.4 on the +12 line. It makes a really high pitch noise that is really hard to hear on the new one i just got but oh well..looks are good... If you aren't a fanatic like me..and everything has to look good...then get this. It will do you good. Just be careful about all of our hard drives and fans with the extra amps from heating.

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Originally posted by Byron

I doubt this is motherboard releated but I thought I would get an opion anyway:


Just recently my power supply started squealing at boot up. It has a high pitch squeal the whole time the CPU is on but it is worse at boot. It has been fine until I added 2 more HD's to my raid array. My first guess is that I need to get a new PSU thats 600w or more. The one I have now is a 500w Vigor PSU. After running for about 10 minutes the noise is barely noticible. Any thoughts and or reccomendations?


You have loose coils on one of the series inductors in the PS. The coils are vibrating at

a audiable sub harmonic of the PS switching frequency.


RMA the PS.



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Just posted this reply on another thread but you may be interested. I haven't been here in a while, thanks to everyone here I'm running a very stabe 250X10 , it's almost getting boaring ..

I've been running the ATI AIW 9800 PRO on this board since I got it with no problems. Here's what realy suprised me. Everyone (me too) has pushed the big P/S (480+). I had an Antec 480 that I had to cut in half, and rewire to fit it into my Dvine 5 case (HTPC). I gave the 300w Ahanix micro P/S that came with the case to my dog to chew on. If you haven't figured it out yet, the 480 (inside the small case ) gets hot. After a few melted DVD'S and alot of denial, that this was not a bad thing, one of my raptors got up and left.. I got a new one, came out of denial, and went to the dog house to find the old P/S and got a bunch of Y adapters (it only had 2 four pin molex's comming off it). I pushed the button saying this isn't going to work .. the rails on this P/S are more stable than the Antec, it runs my whole rig (H2O also) !!

It's been on 24/7 for about a month, running 250X10 with no problem. When I read about the 9800's being a problem with this board, I dont think it's the board, I've had 3 bad 9800 cards from ATI.. As far as the P/S issue goes, I'm not so shure bigger is better anymore, Good luck.

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The Ultra PSU's have not been getting great reviews. I have a friend that has been in an RMA loop with them for several months. I had to loan him one of my spare Enermax PSU so he can keep his system running.


I was thinking more along the lines of something like these...


This one is running in my MSI Neo.



This one is running in my main rig right now. Solid as a rock.



This one is in my Media PC. Very quiet for home entertainment area.



All of these units are great performers. The voltages are spot-on and they handle loads quite nicely.


I'm very pleased with these purchases.

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Well that might just be one situation. My question is, is 12.22-12.28 normal for a 12v atx reading in ITE Guardian? Its not a problem to return this one and get something else, however, if that is a stable reading then I will keep it. This one does not make any nioses like the last one so far. I will test with some of my games. The reason I liked this Ultra is because of how cool it looks. I dont like PSU's that dont have the UV sleeving on them. I know the other brands were probably better, but so long as that is a normal reading I will give this one a chance. Thoughts?

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