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New Overclocker


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Got the DFI NF3 lanparty, with amd 2800+ 64bit.


I know nothing really about overclocking, but would like to try it. I have the koolance watercooler case, and want to make the most of it.


How fast can i get it to go, and how do i do it. I know where to change the stuff in genie bios, but dont know what to change, and what to change it too.


Thanks again

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welcome to the forums.. however, please write in your signature your pc's specs ( like what ram, psu, video card, drives etc) that way we can better understand your situation


i also use a 2800+, the only problem with it is the low multiplier, therefore a high HTT, which has its own set of problems.

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I updated my sig... Should be all the info in there... Sorry about the 1st post and no sig...


And thanks for the welcome...


EDIT- I have the stock bios version that came with the mobo, and video card has 128 meg on it....


Edit again - using a Nspire 450 watt PSU

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this is what i suggest, lower your mem ratio to the lowest it will go (150), then increase the 'fsb' in 5-10mhz increments, with the water cooling you could set 1.7-1.8vcore to stabilse things. make sure the sata drive is plugged into the sata connectors above the agp port.


theres more to it, but i think its best to deal with the problems as they prop up. so once you start hitting an instability, just repost again with the sort of settings you have...


also it wud be best to read the stickies, they have lots of information

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