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Can't use CPU VID Special Control.

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Hi, I have a DFI Lanparty NF3, when I try to select the CPU VID Special Control, it selects the option but doesn't change the voltage. Tried everything, won't work.


Worked before on 4 different CPU's.

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Done, sorry I just didn't think anything apart from the PSU, CPU and Motherboard would effect this bug.


Yes it could be the CPU, but I doubt it, why would a CPU stop me from changing voltage? The CPU flaking out I would understand, but not the motherboard not applying a setting.

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How do you know it's not working?

You dont gain stability or the monitoring program doesnt show the difference?


2 things...


1) My VCore doesnt show the selected value until I load the system... at idle it "reports" it as being well below selected value. But you've tried 4 other CPUs already (4 is 3 more than me) so no doubt you know what's up


2) Did you clear CMOS before putting in new CPU?

Not doing so may confuse the BIOS... if they are not identical cores the BIOS software may set certain parameters that have not been refreshed...

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The actual voltage doesn't increase, that's how I know it isn't working.


I've changed BIOS 4 times and spent countless hours trying to get this working, so yes I have cleared the CMOS, and I've cleared it correctley.

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@Rabbi if I read this correctly he has used 4 cpus that did work but cpu #5 is not showing the voltage change. Of course we have no idea of the 4 working versus the one that now does not.


Worked before on 4 different CPU's.


I agree that clear cmos is excellent idea as is loading of optimized defaults. He may be trying to run a mobile or something. I don't know from post.




Edit: I see he says he has tried some bioses and cleared cmos and yet the board swaps volts on 4 previous processors so I am guessing something about the processor that is messing up somehow.

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He may be trying to run a mobile or something.


can you share the stepping of all 4 CPUs that worked, and of the one that doesnt?

Or at least the core type.. more info the better.


The actual voltage doesn't increase, that's how I no it isn't working.

Sorry bro, I dont get what you mean by this..

Do you mean it doesn't change in BIOS after "Save 'n Exit", it doesn't report correctly in windows, it gains you no stability,....??

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Four Newcastles, One Clawhammer.


I can't make it any simpler, I set the CPU VID Special Control and the voltage doesn't increase by the specified percentage. It doesn't increase at all over the current CPU VID Control.

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Bro... I jus want to know where you are getting the

I can't make it any simpler, I set the CPU VID Special Control and the voltage doesn't increase by the specified percentage
information from?


1) BIOS settings dont save after you press save and exit...

Eg, you go back into BIOS after restart and it's back to "auto" or whatever it previously was


2) It stays set in BIOS but the voltage monitoring in BIOS and/or Windows software shows no change

Eg, even though BIOS says the setting is still 1.55x113% the reporting software and/or BIOS reads it as ~1.55v



If this is a bug the more info you give RG AG and crew the faster it can be solved in a BIOS update if that's what's required..

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