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Yay Socket 754 Semperons!

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Wow these things just keep going. so far I'm ram limited but have hit 295 FSB x8 and 275 FSB x9. First one killed my old stick of ram, it didn't like being 2.8V vs 2.6, and second one is with tec so 9x multiplier worked until the ram started crashing system, Can't wait till my OCZ PC4000 Gold Rev2 gets here sometime this week.



Semperons rock, and also at 2.4Ghz, it gets 11000+ on sandra CPU

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Unless AMD has changed 754 spec they should have 256/L2 versus 512 and 1M. They do overclock pretty good as my 3100+ early Semporn did but if had a choice and funding the more L2 the better as shown by FX processors being 1Mb and so too is Intel adding L2 and maybe even L3 to processor to try and keep up with AMD. Cache makes a difference and most especially in certain applications but if you cannot afford one then I would presume one would get in where one could get in. Or it could just be about strokes. Different folks=different strokes.


Have fun putering is what it is about. Hale I am trying to fit 10lbs of watercooling shett into a 5lb bag and it getting less than fun. Hehehehehehe. Oh well.



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It is just about fun for now. See A64 bit code doesn't matter yet and the extra L@ would be nice but for the price.




I am gonna wait until the prices come down and see how good I can get this chip going. then it will be traded for an A64 with higher multipliers and 1M of L2. Cause right now this Semp has soct me all of 160 canadian and it is now performing on par with 3.4 and 3.6 P4's which cost mucho grande compared. And it is even about close to the lower clocked A64's at thier stock speed. When the good A64's on socket 754 come down to about 200 or so Canadian then I'll get one, maybe next christams. yup that sounds good to me.

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Glad its running great for you.


AMD is dropping prices on S754 processors on Jan. 10th I've been told, tomorrow.


So u may be able to get the cpu u want really cheap. All of the AMD64's are already well worth the money, IMO. But cheaper is even better.


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yeah it's quite a chip isnt it :D


One thing I can't figure out is what family it is really part of... and therefore what voltage table applies to it. An AXP with a mem controller or an a64 with half the architecture?


by the way, anyone know what causes my system to just power off (and then restart) in the middle of CPU+GPU intensive stuff? Unless someone says otherwise, It must be not enough voltage to the CPU. Hopefully it's not power fluctuations due to the enermax 350w not being enough. I thought I gave it enough juice, but it just randomly restarted a few days ago after being stable for a few weeks.

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I had that same problem when I had my sempron at those speeds. Only happened a few times, but I just ended up lowering to 2.4ghz because that was really annoying. At 2.4 I never had a problem.

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its an a64 thats had the 64bit component disabled if im not mistaken (might be like those GPUs with disabled pipelines due to them being broken)


i faced this dilemma recently, buy a sempron 3100, or a a64 2800..the 2800 just seems better, as generally, all a64s oc to about 2.4-2.5, the extra cache on the a64 gives it a leading edge. the price difference wasnt exactly huge either.

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Probably the best reason to opt for a Semperon is pretty much 100% of them will do 2.4GHz. The 2800 had a lesser sucess rate at that speed but the yields are probably better now so maybe all will do 2.4.

Cache or no cache, the "sempi" trashes my Intel 2.4C oc'ed to 3.0GHz in every benchmark. Can't complain about

that (:

I'm waiting for the mobile 3200+ to come down in price, will retire the sempi to a stock clocked basic home family system where it would still drop kick any Intel Celery D system.



control pannel-system-advanced tab-startup and recovery - uncheck "automaticly restart". You will now see the BSOD which may help you TS your problem.

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i have a A64 2800+ that i currently run at 2.4gig. its stable. im not using anything special for ram. for cooling i am runnign a water cooling kit, but i doubt i really need it on this chip. now if i had better memory, im sure i could put that WC unit to use.


but as it stands, i can hit 2.5 gig, but its not quite stable. im able to get into windows and all, but i havent really tried to push it. i just took it up till it would crash then lowered it without changing anythign in the bios really other than FSB. i could jack the voltage up on everything and get higher tho, if i really tried.

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