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What died?

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Hey i have a DFI nf3 250gb and its been running fine for about 2 months now. All of a sudden today when i went into my room, the pc was hard locked, monitor light was on, screen was blank, so i thought monitor just went into standby when i was away from the computer. So i moved the mouse and nothing happened. Tried CTRL+ALT+DEL, nothing happened. So, i powered off the pc by holding in the power button.


Now, here is my problem. The PC will no longer boot! It was 100% prime stable and hasnt had a problem since the day i bought it. So, i figured one of my components died or something and started switching out everything i had a spare of. This included RAM, PSU, and videocard. Nothing worked, the same thing happened every time.


What happens when i press the power button is that everything spins up, the CD/DVD drives, fans, hdd's and even the light inside my PSU. The HDD LED comes on on the front of the case first, then the power button begins to blink, and just continues to blink for ever, ive even left it up for like 5-10 minutes, PLED just keeps blinking and everything stays powered on. One thing i did notice tho is that there is some signal coming from the PC still, if i leave my monitor on the second i press the powerbutton the monitor comes on and says "Please check signal cable" (yes, its connected securly).


So i tried to clear the CMOS aswell, first i jumpred it, that didnt work so i pulled the battery, that didnt work either. Then i thought that i didnt leave the battery out for a long enought time and i took it out for a couple hours, which also did nothing for me.


I highly doubt that the CPU is dead, because it was rather cold in my room the other night and i was running prime95 to see what my load temps were and it ran for over 10 hours with no errors. Temps were not a cause either as i have rather good air cooling.


I need some ideas on what to try next. Please help me out guys.



Ok. So i was inspecting the board and i noticed that directly under the chipset there is a small silver "thing" (i dont really know what to call it, so ill describe it. It is right next to a brown cap, and sort of looks like a mini-cap that is bent flat down onto the board. Its pretty small, about 1/5 of a cap). It has a aqua color substance on the right side of it, i dont know if its something put there to hold the "thing" down or if it leeked out of it, but i think it may possibly be the cause of my problems.


I dont have a digi-cam so i borrowed a picture from somewehre off google and edited it, its not the best shot, but it gives you an idea of what i am talking about http://xs10.xs.to/pics/05013/chipset.jpg

It is the little silver thing that is directly behind that cap, you can only see a small portion of it because of the camera angle there.

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Originally posted by psy^

Wowzers, something to watch out for ay.

Any tips on how to avoid this corrupt bios problem wa-da-ya-no ?


It happened all of a sudden, I guess just keep extra bios chips handy, since I got 2 from badflash, I flashed 4 more that I had laying around from an AN7 I had, because when that was running it ate bios chips for lunch:shake:

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@ 275mhz (2.5-3-3-10)

If and when you do get it cranked up you may find just as I did that the memory will not run those super speeds any more. I had to back mine down off those high numbers and super tight for the memory to function anymore. OTHERwise it would turn on and during so would flash the Power LED continuously and if left to it long enough would get to just cycling back and forth between init my 2 CD devices and then quit and have power LED off and hard drive light on.


Mine will at that point allow power off/reset cmos by jumper and restart with insert key down and move FSB down and has worked well for two weeks. I am beginning to believe the super high memory speeds being run has begun to deteriorate the memory as the memory has been run way faster than it was intended to run and now the memory has begun a slow fade out.


Since backing mine down to 240 and running the memory default timings > have not a had a problem for over two weeks.



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Ok. so what you guys are saying is that i need to buy a new bios (since i was overclocked i cant RMA the board now can i?). And once i get the new bios i wont be able to run my ram at 275mhz anymore?



Just wanted to thank you guys for the info aswell! :)

Also, can i buy BIOS chips directly from DFI?

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