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Max Clawhammer Voltage?


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im trying to break the 2.6 ghz mark and im running 289x 9 right now but i find im not stable ( more fooling may be required) until i try IIRC 1.525 x 113% which is 1.75 . but my Smart Guardian is showing 1.84 vocre ! im watercooled and temps are looking pretty cool im gonna get a on core temp probe soon . should i drop this voltage down in a hurry or should i be able to withstand with my cooling

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Originally posted by LoN3R

im trying to break the 2.6 ghz mark and im running 289x 9 right now but i find im not stable ( more fooling may be required) until i try IIRC 1.525 x 113% which is 1.75 . but my Smart Guardian is showing 1.84 vocre ! im watercooled and temps are looking pretty cool im gonna get a on core temp probe soon . should i drop this voltage down in a hurry or should i be able to withstand with my cooling


All you can do is try it. Some CPU's will respond to higher Vcore better than others. My

3200 DTR gets absolutely nothing out of running the Vcore above 1.780 or so and that

is with it running less than 8C fully loaded.



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ok jus tryin to make sure there wasnt a taboo voltage ;) , but i guess since overclocking is not an exact science neither is this . yea i had to raise my 5v rail ( love this powerstream ) so that might have been causing stability issues . ill try to drop it and see how it acts .

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