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Nvidia boot agent

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Can someone tell me what the Nvidia boot agent is? During the boot sequence I get the following error in about 1 in 20 cases:



NVIDIA Boot Agent


Boot Device Failure, Insert System Boot disk and hit enter...


If I reboot it will load up fine, so its not a major problem. I'd just like to know if it's something I can correct without too much agressive action...

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Does it appear before the bios screen, or after devices and IRQ table is displayed but before the XP boot screen?


If its the first case then its most likely your timings are too tight on the ramnot enough volts or a similar ram problem? lower the fsb?


You might as well try it

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Thanks Rgone. My BIOS is set to boot from my SCSI device and the CDROM only, so I dont think that's the problem. Judging from the solutions in the other forum (XP Repair, reinstall etc), I think I'll leave it alone and just accept it as another one of the joys of this mobo!!

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Ok, I think I may have found the cause of this problem, but it's left me with more questions rather than answers! I double checked my BIOS and found my boot order set as follows:


Boot 1st: SCSI (SCSI type set to SATA in later BIOS setting)

Boot 2nd: Floppy

Boot 3rd: CDROM

Boot 4th: HDD0


I also found that 'Boot other device' was also enabled. I'm thinking that this is where the LAN boot is coming from, so I have disabled it for now to see what happens.


I also decided that this boot sequence was a bit messy (left over from my earlier struggle to get my system to boot from the SATA drive) so I set Boot 4th to 'none' (thinking that I didnt need this now that my emergency spare IDE drive used during aforementioned SATA boot struggle is no longer connected) and swapped the SCSI and CDROM boot order. As soon as I rebooted the machine, it came up with Disk Boot Failure, which would only go away when I set Boot 4th back to HDD0. Now the questions...


I guess this means my SATA drive is recognised as HDD0 rather than SCSI. Why is this? If the SCSI setting is not for booting off a SATA drive, what is it for? And why is it necessary to specify the SCSI type later in the BIOS? Would it make any difference if this was set to something other than SATA?

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