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are you for cloning of against it  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. are you for cloning of against it

    • yes to cloning
    • no to cloning
    • not sure

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ok thanks guys. but what i don't understand is why people are so affraid of clones. did you know that human twins are more geneticly the same then dolly was to her clone. so we arent even that close so why is it allready banned. and another thing that really pisses the AAHHHHH out of me the why stem cell reserch was baned. that could save so meny people its not even funny. i feel like beeting the hell out of the guy who suggested the ban of stem cell reserch. God that mothe @#$@er

I didn't even hear about it being banned! Im guessing you live in the US (im in Canada) but when was it banned?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm not for exact genetic replication and manipulation as for making a Clone Army like Star Wars, but I am with organ replication for people with diseases and cancer and such. Stem cell research can lead to giant leaps in medical science such as organ replication. If somebody needs a bone marrow transplant, future technology might allow doctors to take a sample from the patient and grow an exact copy from his body in a lab, thus making a donor list obsolete. Patients won't sit around waiting to die while sitting on a waiting list for a donor. People with kidney failure, heart disease, even the sight and hearing impaired can be helped.


Only bad thing to cloning is, how can we stop some mad scientist in a 3rd world country from learning how to do it? Some disgruntled rebels in a hell hole in the corner of the planet may suddenly emerge with a huge army. Somewhat far-fetched I know, but with all the organized crime syndicates like Russian mafia's or even Collumbian drug cartels have the funding and resources to lead to something like that.


Just my ranting on the subject... :blink:

i agree 100%

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Human cloning is not feasible. Dolly (that cloned sheep) was try # 270-something. Every attempt before her either did not make it past being a tiny clump of cells or yielded a freak of nature. Not kidding. Even Dolly, their giant success, was later discovered to develop premature ageing. Most cloned animals also do this for a reasons the scientist aren't sure about. In 6 years scientists have not raised their success rate, so they still have to abort a lot animals before they get one that will survive until birth and it still may have internal problems. Also, just because they can clone sheep does not mean they can clone humans. A couple of new animals have been cloned, like pigs and mice, but there are others that scientist have tried and so far failed. In summary, you cannot abort a couple hundred humans just to get a clone. It is unethical. As for the people who are worried about a cloned army: grow up. Its too expensive and less fun than doing it the old fashioned way. Besides the clones will still be human and we will still have better guns than they do.


As for stem cells, those have to come from an aborted baby. Stem cells are cool because they are undifferentiated, meaning that they can become any type of cell in your body. A liver cell, for example, is differentiated. Genes that code for any protein not specific for a liver cell are turned off. Scientist do not know how to turn these genes back on, which is escential to get that cell to grow into an organ. However your body does. A cell is dedifferentiated before it becomes a gamete. A zygote (egg+sperm=zygote) is obviously undifferentiated because the offspring of that cell become every cell in a person. Harvesting that stem cell stops the life of a human being. Not cool.

Edited by TreB

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