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Guest culinist_merged

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i do LOVE wine coolers!

and lusting over dual core cpus and 7800GTX's :)


Ahyeeee, Charlie. you need to try to overcome the computer nerd image!!!! Do it now, before it's too late! It's late, It's late, It's late, but not too late!

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hehe, i think its already too late :D. but that dont mean i aint swamped with females :shake:



Yeah, i quess you're right. Alot of gorgeous women fall for computer geeks/nerds. Prime example: Angry and Momma. lol ;)

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In my youth, when I was totally crazed with the help of my runnin' partners, Al K Hall and D Rugs, I lived in a high rise on Chicago's Lakefront. A block away, on Fairbanks and Ontario, was this crazyaz club called "Dingbat's". Zebra club if you know what I mean. DiNero would have loved it.


Mr T (the real one, not ExRoadie) was a bouncer there. A TV show called "America's Toughest Bouncer" was in town filming. T won hands down cause he could toss customers up 14 steps that led down to the club. Course there were 18 steps so landing on the 14th was excrutiatingly painful. :) A very intimidating bouncer at over 200 pounds, mean disposition, the Mohawk and sportin' an enormous amount of Gold chains. The cops finally closed it down to excessive craziness on all fronts.


A semi-famous Chicago Jazz musician named "Milt Trenier" remodeled it an opened a jazz club called of course "Milt Trenier's". Had some great local musicians playing some awesome music 6 nights a week. They didn't start until 9 so it was pretty much open mic from 6 to 8. Happy Hour was from 4 to 6 so folks were pretty buzzed and crazed by 6.


A bunch of friends (plus Al & D of course) goaded me onto the stage to tell some jokes one night and I had the crowd howling. I developed a 15 minute routine of the best plagerized, blue, and racial material I had heard and stolen. I think Milt put up with me cause I was such a great customer (my bar tabs were massive). Had a ball for six months until Milt went broke. (It was not because of me I can assure you). Always wonder how I would have done if I (or the crowd) had been straight. But I still love a good joke!


I'm clean now (well most of the time) so I have taken on a personal crusade to spam dfi-street with as much craziness as I can get away with without getting banned. cpuz, you are a pretty astute dude. Thanks for asking.


Oh, I'm one hale of a good dancer too.


EDIT: way kewl, Post #3100, w00t

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