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bah 190 at least :(


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Well ok I decided to stop becoming a candiadte for the Refrigerator Certified sig and do some overclocking :)


Well where shall I startzOr:


Well I started @ this: 166 * 12


locked AGP to 66, downed the multi to 10 and upped the FSB to 175, ran prime 95 for 2 hours, no problems.


Upped the FSB to 180, and im sure it failed so I upped the DDR voltage to 2.7, and still failed :(, so went to 2.8 and wasnt prepared to go anyhigher


I know these AMD athlon 2800 dont overclock good at all, but surely i can get 190, just for a little bit more performance for my money :)


atm my memory timings are @:


3.0 - 4 - 4 - 7, and i can now see that it says 170Mhz , hmm 180 on a 1:1 ratio with that speed = problem :) at least i know that much


So I need to change these, I also tried setting the memory to turbo which gave me 2-2-2-2 and made the computer not post :( BOOO, had to reset cmos jumper


I dont realy wanna change the 1:1 ratio because i know you get a massive performance decrease


When i set the memory to turbo i didnt see if it made the speed of the ram faster so i dont know what I got instead of 170 mhz


Just incase my webhost is down :mad: like it seems to be all the time my rig is:


430 Hiper true power

Aero 7 lite cooler

DFI lanparty ultra B 1/27 bios i think

2 x ADATA 512, aint got a clue what chips are on them, ill have alook in a sec and see

Gefroce 6800GT @ stock just for the overclocking atm

120 gig sata drive

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try lowering your multiplier just to make sure the cpu isn't limiting you. i would try a multi of 9 and fsb 200 and see what happens. that should give you a 1.8ghz cpu and the 2800 should be able to handle that at stock voltages and such

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Standard PC3200 timings for generic RAM are 8-3-3-3-3.0 @ 200 FSB.


Best timings though would be 10-3-3-3-3.0 to play with to start (someone correct me if i'm wrong).


I don't think the memory is limiting you, though, seriously.


What are you using for VCORE for the CPU? The default, or have you tried upping the voltage?

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Originally posted by Mekrel

I havent tried upping that just yet, will give that a shot too


What's your CPU temperature? Just wondering if your cooling is ok. When I had a weaker HSF on my CPU, I couldn't get as good of an OC.


Also, are you using Optimal settings or are you using Aggressive for your CPU interface? Just looking for anything that might be relevant that might explain the problem apart from it just being a bummed out CPU.

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