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LanParty UT-250GB soon!

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Originally posted by Angry_Games

im hoping that BH5 wont be needed since the cpu and chipset can handle high latency stuff like PC4200 or better...with the controller on the cpu it will effectively eliminate a lot of badness that current chipsets that require a NB have (again this is hope)


as RG states, something we both preach over and over...going by one dude's results and expecting the same...is sheer madness. Even with 40 people getting 250FSB here, seeing that and expecting that you too should be getting 250FSB is sheer madness...


Most socket 754's require registered memory and that puts BH5 sticks on the shelf.


Do you know if DFI'd new 754 pin MB requires registered memory???



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Originally posted by Angry_Games

there is no more INfinity line


it is now the UT line


LanParty 925-TX = top dawg

LanParty 915-UT = Infinity...cept its not red, its UV like the normal lanparty


LP 754 = ive seen three different screens now of 300+ FSB. This does not mean you will get it, nor will you even come close. I just relaying what I have seen from within trusted circles (1 of them being Oskar himself).


939 = there will be a 939 (dont bother asking when)


Hey AG...Do you know if the new MB will support the 754pin DTR CPU's so you can use CG

revision cores with 1MB caches (without bustin the piggy back???)



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Most socket 754's require registered memory and that puts BH5 sticks on the shelf.


most 754's that i know of don't require registered memory. None of ours do. The 940 Opterons required it, but the change to 939 removes this requirement.


Hey AG...Do you know if the new MB will support the 754pin DTR CPU's so you can use CG

revision cores with 1MB caches (without bustin the piggy back???)


as far as i know all 1MB and 512k cores work on the 754 (the K8M800-MLV/F boards will take all manner of 754's)

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Originally posted by Angry_Games

most 754's that i know of don't require registered memory. None of ours do. The 940 Opterons required it, but the change to 939 removes this requirement.


As far as i know all 1MB and 512k cores work on the 754 (the K8M800-MLV/F boards will take all manner of 754's)


Ahw okay. I had registered memory rattlin' around in my head and when you said

that the lights went on. The Opti's are DC and require registered while the 754's

are SC and don't.


Sound good on the CPU's. The 3200 754 DTR 1mb with CG core rev sounds like the

way to fly. I like the fact there is no integrated heat spreader too. From what I can

gather it is mainly the bios recognizing the CPU's micro code so the multi's will work

correctly. I am sure DFI will have the MB setup so you can give the memory plenty

of vdimm and the core too. Will be interesting to see what one of these puppies

will do with the core down below 10C.



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here's some differences




128-bit DC memory control (1 HT link on-die)

not dual processor capable

14GB/s @ 1MB L2 cache

HT @ 2Ghz




128-bit DC memory controller 1 HT link on-die

requires registered dimms

12GB/s @ 1MB L2 cache

HT @ 2Ghz




64-bit single channel memory controller 1 HT link on-die

10GB/s @ 1MB L2 & 512k L2

HT @ 1.6Ghz


there's of course other minor differences, but really the only difference between the Opteron-class and the FX class is the ability to run in SMP environments, and the use of registered memory (not to mention that the 939's get better bandwidth!).


all of the new consumer grade A64's, whether they are FX, Athlon64, Sempron, will run with regular unregistered PC1600-PC4400 or better.


as for the BIOS/microcode recognition, im sure Oskar will make sure they recognize all consumer cpu's that will fit into the boards (or will support them as soon as possible).


as for the heatspreaders...after fooling with the Intel chips that come with these, I have to say honestly I prefer them. You get a much better contact area with the cpu, you get a much more even contact area at that, no chance to damage the core with improper (or accidental! heh) mounting etc.


also note the quickness with which the P4 heats up and cools down...much more efficient than any of the AMD cpu's. I also note the difference on the A64-3400 that I have in the K8M800...they heat up and cool down much more efficiently (and overall lower temps).

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after reading that post I can agree with some of it, but disagree with other parts of it. Mobile cpu's have always been a bane to desktop boards...I don't see any change coming for this. We know from the NF2 that the mobile type cpu's are popular and since we market the boards to overclockers I will assume for the moment that Oskar realizes that mobile support with a DTR will be necessary.


whether it works 100% and/or is stable without problems is a whole different story (as we all found out with mobile Xp's on the NF2)

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Originally posted by Angry_Games


as for the heatspreaders...after fooling with the Intel chips that come with these, I have to say honestly I prefer them. You get a much better contact area with the cpu, you get a much more even contact area at that, no chance to damage the core with improper (or accidental! heh) mounting etc.


also note the quickness with which the P4 heats up and cools down...much more efficient than any of the AMD cpu's. I also note the difference on the A64-3400 that I have in the K8M800...they heat up and cool down much more efficiently (and overall lower temps). [/b]


Thge DTR CPU's only come without the heat spreader and they run about 8-9C cooler

that the equal non DTR CPU with an HS. Of course the DTR's are 81 watt CPU with the

CG core versus 89 watt for the non DTR's with CO cores.


The thing I do not like about spreaders is you have two thermal interfaces, one between

the die and the bottom of the spreader and a second between the spreader and your

cooling solution, instead on just one without a spreader. You never know just how

good the interface is between the spreader and the die either as the spreader install

is done blind at the fab.


The Egg has 3200 1gb DTR's with CG cores for $239 and I am about a nano second

away from pulling the trigger lol.



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true about hte spreader (and diff in core wattage)




Intel i trust implicitly as they have never steered me wrong personally (tho yes they have dropped the ball a few times here and there). Their integrated heatspreader solution is fab'd with the highest quality as far as I am concerned (not to mention the low power consumption of the cpu under it!). A very very efficient cooling solution for their cpus.


AMD on the other hand...I still have reservations about their quality or their concern for quality. They rush things out the door for investors without having any real support (ie: A64's way before boards were widely available, and lets not even get into a working OS for the 64-bit function of the chip which is its whole basis for existence in the first place heh). AMD loves to drop the ball on its own foot and I still see them doing this over and over.


if you do some googling about the 754 platform you will see what i mean...its like a committee that simply cannot figure out exactly which path they want to walk down


Intel is a the chipzilla but at least they pretty much stick to their guns, and still have the power to force HW mfg's to change to their designs (along with the power to force OEM's to carry only their product as the main processor...all hush hush with their strong-arm tactics of course).


AMD is a wishy-washy charlie brown type company that has something everyone wants, but cannot decide on a concrete way to deliver it efficiently (like bickering children they are).


but as you and i are old enough to know....everyone is going to have their own opinion, and as much as it might seem I am bashing AMD to smithereens (I am because they continously piss me right the $%#@! off with their stupidity when they could be trouncing Intel and gaining at least half the market share), I will be right there before all of you overclocking the living bejesus out of any AMD A64/FX board/chip that comes into my possession.



EDIT: just hold out on buying anything till the boards show up (if you want a DFI board). Notice how prices fall all the time...they will continue to fall by the time the board gets out =)


mebbe only $2 or mebbe $10 or mebbe $0 but hey....jumping the gun can cause serious headaches on new products/items ;)

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Originally posted by Angry_Games

after reading that post I can agree with some of it, but disagree with other parts of it. Mobile cpu's have always been a bane to desktop boards...I don't see any change coming for this. We know from the NF2 that the mobile type cpu's are popular and since we market the boards to overclockers I will assume for the moment that Oskar realizes that mobile support with a DTR will be necessary.


whether it works 100% and/or is stable without problems is a whole different story (as we all found out with mobile Xp's on the NF2)


Hmmm...all the XP mobiles I have setup in desktops have been stable as rocks but maybe

I came after the bugs were worked out too. The biggie I found was getting the mobile

CPU's default first power on voltage up from 1.575 to 1.775 in NFII MB's when the CPU

was OC'ed hard.



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Originally posted by Angry_Games

true about hte spreader (and diff in core wattage)




Intel i trust implicitly as they have never steered me wrong personally (tho yes they have dropped the ball a few times here and there). Their integrated heatspreader solution is fab'd with the highest quality as far as I am concerned (not to mention the low power consumption of the cpu under it!). A very very efficient cooling solution for their cpus.


AMD on the other hand...I still have reservations about their quality or their concern for quality. They rush things out the door for investors without having any real support (ie: A64's way before boards were widely available, and lets not even get into a working OS for the 64-bit function of the chip which is its whole basis for existence in the first place heh). AMD loves to drop the ball on its own foot and I still see them doing this over and over.


if you do some googling about the 754 platform you will see what i mean...its like a committee that simply cannot figure out exactly which path they want to walk down


Intel is a the chipzilla but at least they pretty much stick to their guns, and still have the power to force HW mfg's to change to their designs (along with the power to force OEM's to carry only their product as the main processor...all hush hush with their strong-arm tactics of course).


AMD is a wishy-washy charlie brown type company that has something everyone wants, but cannot decide on a concrete way to deliver it efficiently (like bickering children they are).


but as you and i are old enough to know....everyone is going to have their own opinion, and as much as it might seem I am bashing AMD to smithereens (I am because they continously piss me right the $%#@! off with their stupidity when they could be trouncing Intel and gaining at least half the market share), I will be right there before all of you overclocking the living bejesus out of any AMD A64/FX board/chip that comes into my possession.



EDIT: just hold out on buying anything till the boards show up (if you want a DFI board). Notice how prices fall all the time...they will continue to fall by the time the board gets out =)


mebbe only $2 or mebbe $10 or mebbe $0 but hey....jumping the gun can cause serious headaches on new products/items ;)


Have to agree with you about AMD marketing stratigy or rather lack of it lol. Sometimes

I think their planning/marketing dept's are staffed by drop outs from marketing 101.


To me the locking of their CPU was a bonehead move. One of the reason many

people chose AMD over Intel was simply because they were unlocked. I would

be willing to bet they lost sales and ground to Intel when they did that.


There is one good thing about AMD though. If they didn't exist you would be paying

two or three times what you are paying now for an Intel CPU!!!



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There is one good thing about AMD though. If they didn't exist you would be paying

two or three times what you are paying now for an Intel CPU!!!


thank god for that...and thank god there's still two major gfx competitors...just wish there was a real competitor to Creative (there's some good ones out there but Creative still does it best and truly at the top by themselves).


competition is a good thing...I just wish we had a competitor to MS and their stupid windows OS (dont bother telling me about Linux as yes, its probably a superior OS but can 98% of the users here install it along with all the drivers and software and make it run like they can Windows? until that answer is a resounding YES! linux will always be an uber-geek second)



lol VJ...im awful yappitive tonight...watching olympics in the background and surfin on the laptop ;)


gives some Street hobo's something to read when they wake up

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