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Should I try a Mobile 2600+

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My computer can bench just fine in any program at 10.5x248. However, for 100% stability, I run it at 10x240 daily. Furthermore, the gain in 3Dmark from 2.4 - > 2.6 is only 1,000 marks. However, I would be interested in running 2.6+ ghz off of merely 1.8 -1.85 vcore. My question to you all is, should I try a mobile 2600+? I am not sure of these newest steppings but I would love to squeeze a daily overclock of 2.65-2.7 ghz out of one of those chips as it would certainly put my quest for Nforce 3 glory on hold for just a little while longer. Personally, I would be more than happy if I could squeeze maybe 22-23k 3D Marks out of an XP-M system. Thanks ahead of time for any advice....



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What you've got works great from where I'm sitting:nod: . Getting much farther than you've already gotten isn't too common without psycho cooling and serious volt mods. I'm only working my bus right now but my chip requires about 1.925 just to run stable at 10*240, no suprise as my stepping isn't one of the great ones out there but 2.4 on air aint bad either:) . Well, if you do decide to get another mobile let me know if your interested in selling yours:nod: . By the way http://www.excaliberpc.com/ has mobiles and guarantees the steppings( if only I had known when I bought mine :rolleyes: ). Last week they had 35Watters listed but I didn't see any this morning. Good luck whatever you decide!

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If you live in the UK then get one from http://www.cpucity.co.uk


They do 2500+ mobiles with the IQYHA stepping


I got one the other day to replace by superclocking 2100+


I've got it at 203x12.5 right now but thats only with 1.85 volts. I'm pretty sure with a better fan and heatsink it will do 2.65+ with some more cooling,


Still, it looks like your chip is much better than that anyway, I doubt your going to get a chip much better than the 1 you already got - most likely alot worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I went ahead and pulled the trigger on an IQHYA 401 XMPW 2600+ from excaliberpc. It should arrive around Tuesday and I will have results posted hopefully later that evening. I really just want to reach 2.7 ghz stable as I think that it will postpone my strong desire to move to Athlon 64. I am very excited about the new DFI 754 board after seeing some amazing HTT overclocks; however, I just put this system together back in late January and I think it would probably be in my best interests to sit tight and wait until the socket 939 platform becomes more affordable. This way, my next upgrade will be a bit more future-proof.



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When I do upgrade to the 2600+ next week, is there anything I should know diff on these boards? When I boot up for the first time with a new cpu, do I need to clear the CMOS, or will the mobo detect a new cpu and run at defaults? I know this is a pretty dull question but we are all aware of the quirks of this board and, as such, I'm trying to eliminate any potential problems I may have (though I am not expecting any whatsoever).



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I think it is an IQHYA 0348. At the last minute I sent a request to cancel the order. I realized that I should be content with 21,000 marks and I won't get much more until I upgrade to the A64 Lanparty. I decided my system would benefit more from some good speakers. At the moment I'm trying to decide on whether I should go with the z-680's ($239) or Klipsch Ultra 5.1's ($339).



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No way in hale would you notice any difference in performance.

Maybe some benchmarks (maybe!).


Looks like a great overclock from here as well. Think you are smart cancelling that order.

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Guest Hellfire

I went with the z680's because of the price, they are pretty good as well. For the amount of power it provides it, that price is pretty good. But both are known for great quality. It really comes down to how much you want to spend.

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