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bit of a mad problem that is driving me nuts.


i just finished building a friends computer and keep getting mswsock.dll and mshtml.dll crashes in internet explorer.


i have re-installed windows 5 - 6 times on this PC in the hope that i could eliminate the problem , i thought it could be the drivers or internet security program.


i have no issues on my computer and use the xact same copy of antivirus and all other software installed.


the drive (80 gig maxtor) im installing to has two partitions a 50 Gig Data Partition and a 30 gig OS partition, the installations have alll be done on the 30 gig partition ( the first on the drive ).


any ideas what this could be im ready to throw in the towel.


one suggestion made has been it could be a damaged drive,


Question: i been installing onto the same partition on a number of occasions , could these to dlls that cause the crashes be on a particually bad secotor of the drive and get corrupted every installation.???


Hope Some Genuis can Help as im at a loss as to what to tell him and i think he`s getting a bit fed up , he`s had no end of problems with his PC`s in the past i just want to build him one that works a 100%




Windows XP Professional SP1a / Nf 4.24 / CAT 4.7

Abit NF7 2.0 | Antec Sonta Silver | TruePower 380Watt PSU

Athlon XP Barton 3200+ / Thermalright SP97

512Mb DDR RAM / 2 x 256Mb Geil Ultra Dual Kit

PowerColour 9600 Pro 128 Mb

80 Gb Maxtor DiamondMax | LG DVDRW

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I see your systems specs but not your friends.


I did have a similar issue where my LAN would lag/freeze on my old A-bit (onboard lan), and one time I did actually receive a winsock error. I was using a fair amount of bandwidth at the time... browsing, downloading updates, and had a few BitTorrents going.


One hardware issue I know I had at that time was a failing active cooler on the VIA KT400 chipset... so it is possible that the increased bandwitch could have been simply overheating the system.


All I know for sure is that after I upgraded to this mobo, and all my problems went away. :)


I do recall looking deeper at that time, and can remember a reference to WinXP SP2 having some sort of Winsock fix, and not 100% certain that there was a pre-SP2 hotfix as well.... check out this list at Microsoft... search for your exact error message(s) there as well.


hmmm.. You may want to check you floppies or manually burned CD's for viruses... as you could be re-infecting the system as you are rebuilding it.

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Not The Win XP install Cd for Sure i got XP SP1 x 2 and a Couple of XP SP1 with Custom appz pre Installed and did try a few...


funny but i think i might av solved it , i have used Norton Corporate Anti Virus and Zone Alarm this time instead of the Usal Norton Internet Sec / AntiVirus 2004 combination and the problem seems to have gone away..,,, now my friends luck it`ll happen jusy as he fires up Google..


Norton Internet Sec / AntiVirus 2004 Common Client used to crash after the Mswsock.dll had given up.. so maybe it was that after all.. it leans me toward that direction anyways..

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If I would've know you were using a firewall I could have told you right off. I used to see @ least 3 of those a day when I worked as Earthlink Tech. Nortons actually attempts to manage those files and corrupts them, then its a reg hack and a cab extraction to get it running again.


I use Nortons Systemworks '03 + Zonealarm 4.5. The Nortons FW is crap anyway. I'd only trust Zonealarm or Black Ice as far as software solutions go. It's safer with a NAT router and a software solution.

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