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:confused: did you wind up with two working motherboards after your initial foray into DFI land? If so then RMA that clicking POS and get another one. It is not going to quit clicking or use 200FSB. Now if you have modded the board beyond recognition as a DFI board then you are truly out of luck. Otherwise give it a go and move on to no clicks or swap out some more pieces. My guess is the board is dorked somehow, but the rest is up to you as no tweak is going to cure it. A change in mice and keyboard might though but I tend to doubt that as well.


My thoughts specifically.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Yep, I got two Lanparty B mobos working pretty well as one backup BIOS (thanks to DFI) and BIOS Saviour :D

(you never can be over-protected :D )


I can use 200x12 settings with no problem at ALL :rolleyes: ...I would like more FSB, tough :( Especially the mobo can make stable even in fanless envoriment 225Mhz FSB...


...only the damn clicks when I type/use keaboard in game...


There are some serious mods on the mobo, like glued using ArcticSilver epoxy coolers on SB (ZM NB32J), and custom cooling on CPU mosfets and DIMM mosfets. The custom NB cooler is removable and I have the orginal, of course...




...these are hardly going off by any way... :rolleyes:



I already did a change in my mice, from old PS2 one to MX510 - of course no change at all :(

I got suggested give USB keyboard a try, but I don't have one handy and I never ever heard about anyone with USB keyboard (i quess they aren't common in Czech...) - but might be worth a try.


I also can consider swaping the mobos, but I did not modded yet the second one much, I mean it end with making the heatsinks again... :( Too much work. At least I glued now on the testing LB B mobo on the SB not the smaller ZM NB32J, but the bigger 47J one :D




The mobo handled 221Mhz for days with nice memorystick, so I quess it will be maybe worth to put in it the SB Audigy2zs and give it a try if it will cause the very same terrible audio distortions or not... :rolleyes:


But like I say already - Im bit out of ideas. My target FSB is far from "big or considerable overclock" - 225Mhz is NOTHING I like to think... But I constantly failing to reach it :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

uwackme - I think i need your help... :(


I can run 225x10.5 easily, 3.1V for dimms and 1.7V for chipset did it, Prime96 torture test is stable.


However, there are still the DAMN AUDIO CLICKS... It's enought to start play FarCry or type when 100% CPU load + RealPlayer playing movie - and you get them.


I tried change the PCI latency up to 224 - no result.


Tried using WPCR change the CPU disconnect - orginally there is 9F, so 1F and 8F I tried, together with the PCI latency - no result.


Tried changing the P2P-EXT from 02 (3.8 microseconds) to 00 (1 milisecond) but no help either.


Tried all there together.

No difference.


Tried reinstalling winblows. No difference. Tried installing on fresh win nForce drivers 2.45 - instead of the 4.26 - no difference either... (except the 4.26 set the 1milisecond P2P-EXT delay by itself...)


Tried using the Hellfire modded bios - some claim that it help them to get rid of the sound issues. No help as well...



I could not believe it - I can't the the only one, who facing such problems?!


Could you supply me some info about the patch "U might try rigging a 18ga wire jumper temporarily between Audigy and motherboard." you mentioned...? :rolleyes:




Im trully out of ideas :(

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...you still appear to be the only one with your problem. Among the elite is all I can say!


Could you supply me some info about the patch "U might try rigging a 18ga wire jumper temporarily between Audigy and motherboard." you mentioned...?


He is merely saying to take any ground on the audigy card and make a connection from it to a ground point where the mobo attaches to the case at a motherboard mounting screw using a piece of wire instead of depending on the grounds thru the pins on the pci socket the audio card is using. That is ALL he is saying and fairly simple with your skills.


Doubt it it changes anything but you never know until you try it, I suppose.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Hey T, sorry you troubles continue.


Its a real weird one, the ground loop thing is all I can think of. How else can activity on the keyboard port cause sound glitches?


What interupts are the two using? I have APIC off at the moment, keyboard is INT1, APU/Codec are INT5 and INT7.


Im on soundstorm not an Audagy.


Perhaps leave PCI latency at 32 or 48, but go into registry to:


HKLM, system, currentcontrolset, control, prioritycontrol and set a new regDword... "IRQxxPriority" modify value to "1". Where xx is the interupt number of the audigy.


On the groundwire thing, just find ground on the audigy... a nice fat pad on a big cap... and solder a 18ga wire to it, keep it as short as you can, and solder the other end to the motherboard... near a screwhole or something for ground. See if it has any affect.


Keyboard works off +5Vsb right, is there anything about an audigy that would use this also? Maybe the 5Vsb on your powersupply is not quite right, and the feedback is in the PSU? Try a different PSU for a bit and see if there is any change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

uwackme - that it is! :D No new PSU yet (so Im still doomed at 200Mhz FSB max), however I find the culprit. My new amazing 2600+ mobile helped me to understand. With different PSU (Zalman 400W witch I can't use, because it have no bottom fan and I need one, othervise my mosfets fry) I got the CPU to 2700Mhz easily :D But It not last long, untill I remove most of my components.

Back to Enermex and whoa - even poor 2500Mhz is a problem now!


I got you, you old trusty PSU - I did not trust you anymore and you will be EXCHANGED to something more powerfull in my hunt for speed. Ha!


225x12 (2700Mhz and PR 3800+) will be then possible! :D I report sucess or failure when I got new PSU ;)

I say that there is 99.99% chance that this it is!


This suxxka:


...simply can't take it anymore... :rolleyes: (moded 3.3V rail to 3.52V and both fans to 5V might not help either...)

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PS. just for consideration - todays i attached 250G Maxtor drive in attempt to move my data to it ;)

The drive started just sping up, click and then spin down... :rolleyes: :mad:

And when GFX card change resolution from VGA to graphic mode, then I just saw a lots of garbage on screen and that it is... :(


Problem? Obvious. Not enought power. Graphic mode need much more juice that just a VGA mode, so, no wonder things went bad :(


Time to replace the PSU, I will report failure or sucess on the "more that 200Mhz problem" withing two weeks, maybe sooner :D

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  • 3 months later...

This thread is one hell of example how bad bad bad trodas hijacked TicTac thread about nForce2 tweaker tool to get help on his weird audio problem over 200Mhz FSB :P:O


Well, up to today, I gived up breaking the 200Mhz barrier (for me it IS a barrier :nod: ) and focused on enhancing cooling of my mosfets:




...with added heatpipe I ended up with stable 200x13 - errr, almost stable, when folding get replaced by prime torture CPU test, then machine hand hard after about 4 hours :mad:


So I quess is time to RADICAL cooling of CPU mosfets:






:D ...this should help cooling my CPU mosfets, but for the FSB, I need to cool the dimm mosfets as well. This heatsink is simply NOT ENOUGHT:




...so I quess I have to make watercooling block (not need to be very effective, about 60C is IMHO optimal mosfets temp) for them and then hope that this finally help me ;)


Fo the record, I using now Antec Neo 480W PSU ( http://silentpcreview.com/article177-page1.html ) for their amazing 12V ratings and it should be able to give me enought power to go over 200Mhz FSB :confused:


What do you guys think? :D

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SAE - thanks a lot! :D Now I working on dimms mosfet cooler ;) This one is very hard, because there is only 14mm weight gap between these and GFX card... :(

I quess I mae something that cool the SB and the mosfets all in one, and the pipe will be soldered somewhere in middle, closer to the mosfets, well... we see :D

It looks like I will need precise height infos about the mosfets, the voltage regulator behind them and then SB chip (w/o the heatsink, of course...)

This area: http://ax2.old-cans.com/show.php?p=wc&id=105&c=8&d=1&v=v2

...has to be cooled by something better that this: http://ax2.old-cans.com/show.php?p=badthin...13&c=8&d=1&v=v2




...but I did not believe I could match your over 3Ghz performance anyway! :O How did you make it, man? Why do you use for cooling the mosfets on CPU and on the dimms??? :confused:

I could not understand :shake:


Do you have any pics of your machine, man?


...and merry xmass and a happy new year to you too :D

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