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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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OK hers a doofus question. How do I take Screen shot? I'm hardly in Windows anymore cept tu Prime er up. Do I need a photoshop prog or is there something in windows to do it. Probaably an obvious question but I've never tried it and Ahmuh huntin busses hahahahahaha(Just can't do that Elmer Fudd shtick on a keyboard dag nabbit:shake: ) I'ld just like to know cuz I'm almost positive my mobile can tag the 2500 but Im after that mighty Bus action(No not Jerome Bettis you Steeler Fans the FSB) Thanks in advance guys

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Originally posted by nebuchanezzar

OK hers a doofus question. How do I take Screen shot? I'm hardly in Windows anymore cept tu Prime er up. Do I need a photoshop prog or is there something in windows to do it. Probaably an obvious question but I've never tried it and Ahmuh huntin busses hahahahahaha(Just can't do that Elmer Fudd shtick on a keyboard dag nabbit:shake: ) I'ld just like to know cuz I'm almost positive my mobile can tag the 2500 but Im after that mighty Bus action(No not Jerome Bettis you Steeler Fans the FSB) Thanks in advance guys


Read a few pages back in this thread , screenie info was posted

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Just push the "Print screen" button ( usually next to the "F12" key). Then open up "Paint", hit edit and then paste.Just push the "Print screen" button ( usually next to the "F12" key). Then open up "Paint", hit edit and then paste.


hmmm, maybe. hehehe:p

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Thanks guys I'll be honest after about 4 or 5 pages I skipped to the end:p . and didn't even read page 19. I'll give it a try when I get home and thanks. I also noticed on that page a possible blender sig. Well well well....well. I'm blendin right now(trying anyways in my hunt for that 250%$@#$%#%) so maybe I'll try my first screenie for that thar blendar

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