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New To Overclocking/pc Building

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Hello everyone, I'm glad to finally be a part of this great sites forums. I've read alot of the review on Hardware and they're professional and helpful in making decisions.


My main issue is playing around with the FSB, since the Multiplier is locked that's the only way I can OC the CPU, now this poses a problem in the way of me not knowing how. I'm going to skim over the OC'ing Q2C topic and see if I can familiarize myself with this topic a bit more.


But in the meantime, anyone have voltages/hints that I can input into the bios to make my system run better?


I forgot to mention the RAM in my Sig, but it's OCZ Reaper PC-8500 1066mhz 2 x 2gb.


Thanks, and glad to be here!

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By the way, Running at idle right now, Everest shows 56 Celsius for cores 1-3 Then 50 for core 4. It shows the CPU temperature at 30 Celsius. Should I be worried about these temps? I know the 30 Celsius is fine, but why these huge gaps between the Cores and the Cpu?



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Since nobody smarter is talking, here's my howdy-do.


I think stock voltage is 1.2 approx. With the stock cooler as you go up in V your heat will stop you. I can't find the chart but I wouldn't go above 1.325. Find more verification of this number ... don't believe me. :rolleyes:


Heat will stop you anyway if you are watching it. 60C or below is probably OK for extended periods. You will be buying a cooler and it may be Ultra 120 X. :lol:


I'm just starting this Intel thing, too. Here is a very interesting thread on the strap mystery. http://www.thetechrepository.com/showthread.php?t=30

The second post is very interesting as to how a lowered (as opposed to lower) multiple affects the strap and OC.


But what I read about your CPU, you will probably just bump FSB, maybe add a little Vcore for stability, set the mem 1:1 and happily get 3.2 +\- (with that new cooler of course) :rolleyes:

Edited by Syngensmyth

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Thanks for replying. Yeah, you're right about the cooler, I'll probably have to go into the shop within the next week or so to pick one up, But I dread the day I do, since I know it will be a Zalman. Hope I don't break my mobo.


My Stupid Northbridge is at 50-60 in the Bios, I'd hate to see it when Im running an app.


By the way, thanks for the link, but It sort of made my head spin. :blink:

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Ya stock coolers are well stock coolers :) There just meant to keep that CPU within the acceptable range at stock settings :)


With a better cooler, you should see a major difference, and have some room to OC without pushing the temps too high.


P.S Nice Case eh :), I loved working with it for my girlfriends comp :)

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Yeah, as soon as I saw the case, I was in love. So much room for fans. Plus, it was only 72 bucks!



So anyone think I can fit a Zalman CNPS9700 in there?



Case is great, i got one too but after looking at your fan arragement you will probably get better airflow by switching some of them around. Since hot air rises it would be good to have the top two venting out along with the top back one, the bottom/front/side venting in. This lets air flow from top to bottom with out interuption. Also if you can posistion the fan on the zalaman to vent out the back of the case (if its set to blow out) then you will prevent hot air from pooling. The main thing is for this to work the case has to be on a solid surface so the bottom fan can have air to move, set on carpet the fan will be starved for air. Also the stock fans only move like 35-40 CFM (might be higher, going off of memory here), though they are not loud at all.


Also remember you want more air out then in in order to keep the air in the case changing.

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Case is great, i got one too but after looking at your fan arragement you will probably get better airflow by switching some of them around. Since hot air rises it would be good to have the top two venting out along with the top back one, the bottom/front/side venting in. This lets air flow from top to bottom with out interuption. Also if you can posistion the fan on the zalaman to vent out the back of the case (if its set to blow out) then you will prevent hot air from pooling. The main thing is for this to work the case has to be on a solid surface so the bottom fan can have air to move, set on carpet the fan will be starved for air. Also the stock fans only move like 35-40 CFM (might be higher, going off of memory here), though they are not loud at all.


Also remember you want more air out then in in order to keep the air in the case changing.



Whoops, Thats the exact setup I have, Must've written it wrong, I'll rearrange my sig now. But thanks

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