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Asus P5e-vm Hdmi/q6700 Overclocking Trouble...?

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I have this Asus P5E-VM HDMI and a Q6700 and I am haing a little trouble overclocking it...


Seems I am not having a easy time beings this is my 1st Intel build since P-II days...


1st off I loaded up the board/cpu on all default settings of 266x10 and it runs sweet...also on a 266 fsb strap (because Praz said so..lol)


but when I go to 310x10 It posted fine and loaded into windows and rebooted at the welcome screen...I rebooted and it loaded fine but hung a little longer on the Welcome screen only to find out my EXPLORER.EXE file became corrupt...


so I reloaded windows and again 310x10 or 320x10 corrupts windows....340 does not but isnt stable at all...OCCT errors in 2seconds on loading the CPU from 310 up...


now I have ddr2-1066 running on the ddr-900 divider and the ddr-800 divider does the same thing....the ram isnt the issue as i have memtested it fine even at 340x10 which runs the ram at ddr511 (or ddr2-1022) which is still less than it's rated speed...


I am thinking there is a setting thats on AUTO that getting me...? but which one...?


here is my full system specs....





G-Skill ddr2-1066 5-5-5-15 (F2-8500CL5D-2GBPK 2.0v-2.1v)


EVGA 9600gt




Zalman 9700


my idle temps are 28c-30c easy and my load temps are 51c-54c


I do have some serious VDroop on this board...the vcore is on AUTO and it sits idle at 1.275v and load it's at 1.185v pretty serious drop and I plan to do the VDroop mod (found at hardforum)


Bios settings are....


CPU Ratio Setting 10x

FSB Strap to NB 266 (200/266/333)

FSB Frequency 300 (266-800)

PCI-E Frequency 103

Dram Frequency ddr2-900 (600/750/900)

Dram Timing Control (Manual)

Dram CAS (5)

Ras to CAS (5 clocks)

Ras Precharge (5 clocks)

Tras (15 clocks)

Write rec time (AUTO)

TRFC (AUTO) (22-42(Everest shows 42))





Clock Over-Charging Mode (AUTO) what the heck is this...??? (0.7v/0.8v/0.9v/1.0v) what the heck is this for...?

CPU Spread Spectrum (Disabled)

PCIE Spread Spectrum (Disabled)


CPU Voltage (AUTO) bios says 1.275v at 300x10 and 1.20v at 266x10

CPU Reference Voltage (AUTO) (.61v/.67v) assuming this is the CPU GTL voltage....

CPU Voltage Damper (AUTO) (auto/enabled/disabled) what the heck is this for...?

PLL Voltage (AUTO) what should this be...?

Dram Voltage (2.00v)

FSB Term Voltage (AUTO)

North Bridge Voltage (AUTO) What shoult this be...?

NB reference Voltage (AUTO) (.61v/.67v) assuming this is the NB GTL voltage...

South Bridge voltage (AUTO)



something here is causing the corruption but what? I dont know what the default voltages should be and where they should be for where I want to go...I tried adding Vcore and that didnt help any....I am thinking one of the voltages is either too much or not enough but where to start and which one...?


I booted at 340x10 easy and it would run test but OCCT failed very fast (2sec)


here is a link to bios screens like mine....




can you guys give me some pointer of what to try....more FSB aint working didnt even try 400x9 or even 8.....till I figure out what should be where...?

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well, youll need to manually set the cpu voltage and bump it up when you oc the cpu, Also in order to be stable you'll need to set the strap to 333, because otherwise the board is strapped to a lower fsb, probably ram voltage at 2.1v would help and at least nb voltage to. with an overclock like you have I would try like 1.3v-1.35v

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What BIOS revision are you running?


I still think that somehow you are going to have to get your tRFC value to 52 - somehow. Maybe that is an option on a later BIOS release depending on which one you're running now?


If it were my rig I'd;


find a way to set tRFC to 52

put vcore to 1.40

leave everything else the way it is right now


run Orthos small FTT's and see if it will pass for an hour - if so run Orthos large in-place FTT's and see if it will pass for an hour - if so run Orthos blend test and see if it will pass for an hour

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Giving it more VCore will not work....


I manually set the vcore and ran OCCT just on the CPU and it still crashes just a second into load....


Ram Memtest fine at all speeds i have tried...




Wevsspot....the highest trfc setting I have in the bios is 42....so it's set to that...


Everest seems to think the setting needs to be 47 by default but I dont have anything that loose....?


I have the 0405 bios...the latest is 0506 and the later ones are just for CPU support...I could flash but I suspect no change...?


seems I need to figure out what my default voltages are and set them accordingly...


I will try setting the vcore to 1.45v and go with it but I am betting it crashes because I tried 1.35v and it made no difference...


like I said 300x10 passes no issue with 1.275v and it sets the vcore at 1.31v at 340x10



well, youll need to manually set the cpu voltage and bump it up when you oc the cpu, Also in order to be stable you'll need to set the strap to 333, because otherwise the board is strapped to a lower fsb, probably ram voltage at 2.1v would help and at least nb voltage to. with an overclock like you have I would try like 1.3v-1.35v


I was under the advice of Praz to set the strap at 266...that should be good for booting up to 400fsb with a slight bump in NB voltage but so far it good...


at 340x10 I pull 15sec Super Pi 1Ms

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Did you ever find any version of Memset that will work on that board?


I wouldn't mess with the PLL voltage no higher than your FSB is at this point. Leave it on auto.


FSB termination voltage somewhere between 1.30 - 1.40 if you can manually set that value. I don't see any reason to go any higher than that, it's not like you're looking for a sky high FSB and you definitely don't want that value set too high high.


I've got my Northbridge voltage at .10mV above the bios default voltage. I don't have a clue what the default value is though.

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welll it would help to know what the default NB and SB voltages should be so I know where to go...?


I thought I would just put the Vcore at 1.45v and NB voltage at 1.4v and try it...?


every review I have read shows this board booting at 500fsb pretty easy and 400 being a breeze so I should be able to get where I want to go....I may loosen the strap just by itself just to make sure it aint causing the issue...but...


If loosening the strap causes lower performance....that mean I will have to run a higher clock to get the same results I do now so thats not really worth the reduction to get higher....


man where is Praz when you need to pick his brain...lol

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As far as loosening the strap goes, i've found it better to start with a very loose strap, find stability and ceiling at that strap and then move to the next strap down - repeat testing. I've also found that certain straps on my particular rig just won't boot, regardless of whether they should or not.


No harm in trying the 333 setting and whatever "auto" strap goes with it and see if you can get any higher clocks.

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Yep, that Corsair unit is solid as a rock and I'm sure has enough juice to get the job done. Keep us posted.



prolly going to be Sunday morning before I get a chance to play in the bios again...thru the week it's just set it and forget it like Ronco stuff...lol


I like to play vegas and NFS on it too much to keep rebooting to try anything new till the weekend comes....although I do have this 4gb itch....


supose overclocking this board really hard will make my man parts glow....?

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