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Oc A Q6600 & Gigabyte Ga-p35-ds4 Rev 2.0

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OK.... I finally built my first rig from scratch after contemplating, researching, numbers crunching, a little cussing and convincing the "War Department" it needed to be done. I ended up with a very smooth running machine in my opinion. It plays Crysis on high settings without a hiccup and can multitask like crazy. Needless to say, I'm pretty satisfied. I used this forum as well as many reviews sites to pick and choose the parts I wanted to use. All the parts were based around the Antec 900 case, which I was determined to use due to it's superior airflow.


But... Even after all is said and done, it's still running stock settings since I'm completely clueless when it comes to overclocking. I've read some of the guides that people have written here and although they are helpful, they still confuse me. I guess until I actually do an OC of my own, It'll always confuse me ;)


My CPU is a Q6600 Go Stepping and my Mobo is the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS4 Rev 2.0 and for memory, I'm using 4gb (4x1gb) Patroit Extreme PC2 6400 with 4-4-4-12 timings. My system also has a Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme CPU Cooler with a Scythe S-Flex Fan attached. The rest of the specs are in my signature below B:)


Has anyone here built a CPU with this Mobo and CPU together, and did you successfully overclock it? What settings did you use? I'm not looking for a completely nuts setup... Just thinking of bring the CPu up from the 2.4ghz to probably the 3.0-3.2 area.


Thanks in advance for any helpful advice or experiences B:)

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Here is another guide



One of those Google is your friends moments.


I use Google alot actually, but some of the sites it brings up are questionable as far as I'm concerned. I don't know the amount of credibility some of the posters have, where as this site seems to have more knowledgable people. Before signing up here, I was a lurker and read alot of great threads and personally, I trust the opinions here more than I do some of the other sites or blogs I've read. Yay OCC! :lol::D Thanks for that site though.. I'll read it over when I get home from work. Maybe even try a few very small tweaks to see what I get. My system is pretty well cooled in my opinion, so the small tweaks shouldn't up the temp too much

Edited by Rokkaholik

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Here are my settings on one of my DS4 rev.2...



Thanks for the reply Road Runner... I'll print them out and restart my PC and change a few things when I get home from work. As I said, I'm not going nuts out with an OC, just want to up it to the 3.0-3.2 area.

Edited by Rokkaholik

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Thanks for the reply Road Runner... I'll print them out and restart my PC and change a few things when I get home from work. As I said, I'm not going nuts out with an OC, just want to up it to the 3.0-3.2 area.

If you are only wanting 3.0-3.2 you can probably leave the MCH and FSB voltage on normal, of course you can change your RAM timings and Voltage to meet your RAMs spec. For the vcore your will have to play with that setting but I would guess 3.0 should work at around 1.4-1.45 setting in the bios, just depends on your chips.

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I'm using the same chip and same cooler with a very similar board (IP35-Pro). I can run 360x9 (3240mhz) with 1.345v in the BIOS or 400x8 (3200mhz) with 1.325v BIOS. Both of those are well over 24hrs Prime95x4 and vgu load stable with no adjustments to other voltages. Pushing the vCore up (and even the FSB/MCH) doesn't get me much further. This seems to be roughly the case with most current Q6600's.



Printing out someone else's config and punching into your own is really not the way to do it. It's best to OC it yourself and just use other people's results as guidelines. YMMV.

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I'm using the same chip and same cooler with a very similar board (IP35-Pro). I can run 360x9 (3240mhz) with 1.345v in the BIOS or 400x8 (3200mhz) with 1.325v BIOS. Both of those are well over 24hrs Prime95x4 and vgu load stable with no adjustments to other voltages. Pushing the vCore up (and even the FSB/MCH) doesn't get me much further. This seems to be roughly the case with most current Q6600's.



Printing out someone else's config and punching into your own is really not the way to do it. It's best to OC it yourself and just use other people's results as guidelines. YMMV.

Like I said you will have to play with vcore all chips are different, I have a couple that will do 3.2 on stock setting and some that take 1.45 to get there...

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I'm using the same chip and same cooler with a very similar board (IP35-Pro). I can run 360x9 (3240mhz) with 1.345v in the BIOS or 400x8 (3200mhz) with 1.325v BIOS. Both of those are well over 24hrs Prime95x4 and vgu load stable with no adjustments to other voltages. Pushing the vCore up (and even the FSB/MCH) doesn't get me much further. This seems to be roughly the case with most current Q6600's.



Printing out someone else's config and punching into your own is really not the way to do it. It's best to OC it yourself and just use other people's results as guidelines. YMMV.


I was just going to use them as a reference. I know each machine is different depending on case cooling, thermal grease, etc... but I wasn't too sure which settings did what and for what reason. I can build and fix PC's when it comes to hardware, but I never really got into the X's and O's of them.

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I was just going to use them as a reference. I know each machine is different depending on case cooling, thermal grease, etc... but I wasn't too sure which settings did what and for what reason. I can build and fix PC's when it comes to hardware, but I never really got into the X's and O's of them.

Well even in that case, his settings probably won't help you much. You shouldn't change -anything- until you know what it does. His settings won't tell you what this stuff does.


Anyways, like I said... you mileage may vary... but just changing settings based on what other people do isn't really overclocking because when something doesn't work you'll end up having no idea why. Maybe you're going to do all the research before you start. I don't know. If so, this won't apply to you. But most people show up at a forum like this and just want "the settings" like it's just some magic code you punch in and it works. Those are generally the same people that are crying 3 months later because "overclocking broke their PC".

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Well even in that case, his settings probably won't help you much. You shouldn't change -anything- until you know what it does. His settings won't tell you what this stuff does.


Anyways, like I said... you mileage may vary... but just changing settings based on what other people do isn't really overclocking because when something doesn't work you'll end up having no idea why. Maybe you're going to do all the research before you start. I don't know. If so, this won't apply to you. But most people show up at a forum like this and just want "the settings" like it's just some magic code you punch in and it works. Those are generally the same people that are crying 3 months later because "overclocking broke their PC".


The Quad overclocking guide in this forum's Overclocking and Cooling section is pretty good for a novice like me. I was able to get 3.0 with a voltage of 1.2625 which is below my Q6600 chips VID. I had to bump it to 1.275, the CPU's VID, to go over 3.1 which is where I want to be. The more voltage you increase, the more heat you produce and the shorter the lifespan of your chip. The other gentleman's setup running at 1.55 volts would scare a rookie like me, but he obviously knows what he is doing.

Edited by herk56

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