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Gigabyte 8800GT Contest


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I have to agree with Andrew...this is the first time I've ever won a contest like this! Heck, my luck is so bad that I never received anything when putting in for over $250k worth of grants and scholarships for college! Thanks again all!

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You'll never guess what came!


Okay so if you have even half a brain you couldn't not guess what it but tats besides the point...




vidcard4ko1.th.jpg <---Ooooh baby, yeah...

vidcard5sz5.th.jpg<---- Yeah, get on outta there...

vidcard1lf4.th.jpg<---- WOW That is one fine lookin' box you have

vidcard2nl7.th.jpg<---- You have the finest specs on earth baby...

vidcard3nt1.th.jpg<----- MMMM TurboForce, I'd force my... erm... oh yeah PG forum... :ph34r:

Edited by Andrewr05

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