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That realy scared the crap out of me.

I was suspecting something like this, but not as loud as this.

I thought the pictures were a bit to much.

I think there are better thing.

I guess that there will be no comfortable sleep right now.

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Could someone explain what the first one was? I didn't really understand it...


Someone asked if subliminal messages where illegal, and yes some are. For instance, Coke used to use subliminal messages in their commercials. Since a video plays at I think 28 fps, every ten frames or so they would put something that says "Buy more coke" and since it happens to fast for you to actually see the text, you don't relize it is there; but your brain takes notice of it and decides it wants to buy coke... also in the movie the Excorsist(haven't seen it) but they got in a controversy because one of the scary scenes had a picture of like a skull and crossbones with blood in it just to add an extra scare effect... again you could not see the picture, but your brain sees it and it gives you just a little more of that scare effect...

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