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Mario Kart Wii


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I can do battle - had a lot of practise on the N64 back in the day. But grand prix was much better with the 4 of us there :D Who's 'mom' ?!



that was me and the wife....


beings we have a buss load of kids she made her Mii as "mom"...;)

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That was a BLAST! I can only imagine if we would have had Angry and his Momma.


1st Round was Silverfox and Me and racing GP and I flat out killed him and won all 4 races ...ok with a bit of luck. Then we did Battle Mode (balloon) and first round of that went to me pretty handily and I'm thinking to myself... guess I didn't lose too much skill after that month/two long break after all. Then Silverfox must have found his Inner Road Rage or something because he came out of nowhere with some ninja voodoo inner demon crap on and spanked the living crap outta me like I was a little kid acting up in the mall or something. DUDE WAS HOLDING BACK BEFORE!!! Whiskey tango fox OVER! I couldn't do crap the rest of that Battle Mode session. He slaughtered me in Battle Mode.


Silver gets disconnected so now is a good time to hop on vent and grab Bowtie. I steal Bowtie from playing Grid and he fires up the 'ol Mario Kart. Silver and I (tho racing against each other as well) flat out DESTROY bowtie. I mean Bowtie was so far back I was worried if he'd pose problems if I had to pass him. :P Silver and I tie 46pts to 46pts, yet it called me the Winner ...not sure how that happened, unless it called Silver the winner on his system too. I was bouncing around the place waiting for people and running back to the Wii every now & then so missed why Bowtie dropped out, but he comes back with another player called Mom. I'm thinking cool, he got the Wiff in on the action. We start racing and all of a sudden IT'S A NO KIDDING RACE. Grab your headgear kids, this is gonna get rough! OK NOW Bowtie is whipping out the NINJA pool shark voodoo child magic now?!? what the heck OVER! And who is this Mom person that is racing like a speed demon and taking everyone out in the process?!?! Jeeeeez! I'm sitting there thinking to myself,.. ok Bowtie put his kids on the system and put one of them as "Mom" to look all unassuming - evil bastige. But after all the racing is said and done I hop back and vent and find out it REALLY WAS bowtie and his wife ...dude is even more evil than I gave him credit for when i was too busy playing the game!


That first round of racing with the four of us could really be summed up in 'bout 6 words - Oh how the mighty have fallen. I went from being the top in GP Racing to falling to 3rd Place. Then we had some races that litterally put me in tears ...from laughing so hard. So we were on Mushroom Gorge and I'm trying to catch up to Mr Fox and all of a sudden I see a sidewinding blue spiked Leader Shell whiz by my head (ahhh yaaaah!) and I know where it's going but even that didn't prepare me. Mr Fox was mid-air after bouncing on one of the mushrooms and that Leader Shell tags him MID-AIR - BOOM B****! ...into the Gorge you go, THANKS FOR FIRST PLACE SUCKA!!! He got last place on that race. :blink::lol:


Oh I forgot... :lol:


I'm sorry Silver. :mellow::O:lol:


Ok, I'm good now,.. kinda. But Silver wasn't, oh man he busted out of that gate on N64 DK Raceway mad as a hornet and was trying whatever he could to take me out. When he got the Super Size Me Mushroom he had two people he could go after and he tried going after me! I don't know if he thought it was me who threw that leader shell at him but he nearly squashed me! Course i wouldn't blame him one bit. He takes lead, I'm trying to take it but Bowtie is pelting me with red shells. Someone nails Fox with a leader shell I take lead for, oh 3 seconds before i'm takin' out. Fox whizzes by me with 3 Red Shells circling him - gRrrrrrrreat, how am i going to pass him now?! I get 3 Mushrooms (speed boost)... <_< ...what the heck am i going to do with those? He'll just shoot me down as soon as i pass him. Waaaaait... finish line is coming up... Think I'll use them to cut up the mountan. Risky move since its a STEEP incline so you can't see the road too well and the speed at which you're going is too fast to make the hairpin turn so crashing into the wall is an almost certainty. Screw it, one extra mushroom to use once i slam myself into the wall so i can make it to the finish line before his red shell hits me. Don't be fooled by how many words it took me to describe that scene ...this was all within a second, 2 at the most in passing him. He PMs me on the message board right after the race, but I was laughing too hard to even think about checking the boards.


That was it after that, Silver wasn't playing Mr_NiceGuy after that. He was winning like a mad man after that. Even one i thought I zoomed by him just enough for a photo finish (man i so wanted to see the times on that race :angry2: ) but he still pulled off the win. It was all fun & games till then.


It was usually me and "Mom" fighting each other to get Mr_Fox. She is REALLY good, and her style is a lot like a kid's style - very aggressive. Which is what you need in Mario Kart to survive. I was quite impressed, even when i thought "Mom" was Bowtie's kid. And dude, what the heck is up with Bowtie going from being 15-30s behind everyone to being Right in the thick of it every race? Daaaaayum, he explained it to me on vent after we finished but i'm still impressed! I mean even if you didn't know the game at all and you saw the first bit of racing and the 2nd bit (when he hopped on with Mom) you would understand completely why i thought he put his kids on.


After Mr Fox left, DrBowtie and Ms_DrBowtie teamed up against me (so 2vs1) on Battle Mode, but somehow I actually won! At this point I still thought it was Bowtie's kids playing. I'm sitting there thinking to myself, man I bet those kids are making a RACKET cuz there were a LOT of close calls and some really cool moves being pulled off. That was a blast too. I was actually kinda glad they gave up after that because i'm not sure how long I could continue against that barrage.




Awesome time tho! :thumbs-up:


We'll have to see if we can do that again, and maybe drag some more people into that. Don't think we'll get the full 12, but even with just 4 people that was sick fun!

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Bah! Those dirty tactics on N64 DK Raceway ... tut-tut!


It was a seriously good time, even if I did get slaughtered on 1v1 GP mode. It's a bit irritating when you are behind and get stupid weapons, so I enjoy having more people to shoot at and be shot from ;) Otherwise, it's a bit dull and quiet :lol: It's much more fun playing people this way than across the whole world with randomers in my opinion.


I must say though, that Mushroom Gorge is my bogey track. Every time it came up as the track to race on random selection, I literally said out loud "For f##k's sake!". Every time I race that track, I will get shelled mid-air over the bouncy mushrooms. It's makes me so angry, I could spit porcupines. Ugh. Coconut Mall was pretty intense though - I really enjoy that track! The first time I won, I was stuck in last place for ages I think, cos I went up the wrong escalator :lol: nubness!


Must hand credit out where it's due though - you Americans are all pretty good :) I've not been challenged like that on MK for a very long time indeed. When we tied on 46 points, it said I was the winner too :P Guess it's nicer to the owner that way!


On one race, Warios Mine I think it was, Fogel was MILES out in front and by the end of the third lap, I was right up his backside (not sure if he noticed) and just as I was about to fire a red shell and take the win more or less, his rear-launched green shell screws me over! Cue a tirade of expletives. Many, MANY expletives.


For the record too - Fogel races on the bike, while I use the kart ... and I have NEVER raced the Wii version on 100cc (or 150) in a kart yet ... I've only just done the 50cc cups and three 100cc cups on the bikes! I know the bikes are a bit quicker, but the karts seem to be a bit better on twisty courses for the orange drift.


Whoever has not participated in this thread and has MK on the Wii, you are missing out ... we need to make this a regular thing! Next week I will be able to come online with jammin a fair bit, so it would be good to play against you folks again and new people too.


Thanks for playing!!

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I must say though, that Mushroom Gorge is my bogey track. Every time it came up as the track to race on random selection, I literally said out loud "For f##k's sake!". Every time I race that track, I will get shelled mid-air over the bouncy mushrooms. It's makes me so angry, I could spit porcupines. Ugh. Coconut Mall was pretty intense though - I really enjoy that track! The first time I won, I was stuck in last place for ages I think, cos I went up the wrong escalator :lol: nubness!

Was 'bout to go home but your post made me laugh so hard I HAD to post. There was one Coconut Mall race I had really good lead on - may have been the one we tied 46pts on because I was trying really hard to catch up to you in points. Anyway, it seemed like every trap I laid or green shell I threw behind me found its way to you because I'd hear my character celebrate and look at the mini-map and see your icon spin around. It happened just as you were making your move to pass Bowtie too! :lol: Had me ROLLIN! Good thing there are no gorges on that map or I probably would have fallen off.



On one race, Warios Mine I think it was, Fogel was MILES out in front and by the end of the third lap, I was right up his backside (not sure if he noticed) and just as I was about to fire a red shell and take the win more or less, his rear-launched green shell screws me over! Cue a tirade of expletives. Many, MANY expletives.


Whoever has not participated in this thread and has MK on the Wii, you are missing out ... we need to make this a regular thing! Next week I will be able to come online with jammin a fair bit, so it would be good to play against you folks again and new people too.

Oh I knew you were coming up because I made some really stupid bonehead mistakes. One of which included hitting a mine cart and tumbling very.. very... very slowly in slow motion like off the track into the pit. Gah that pissed me off, had me yelling,.. "JUST FALL ALREADY!!" So after losing that much time I started watching that mini-map like hawk. Why do you think I fired that Green Shell behind me? :lol:


Definitely in it to win it :P some more next week, so just lemme know!

Probably gonna get muh butt kicked now for saying that

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I will comment some more tomorrow ... it's bed time here!


And this thread should be stickied imo ... but then I'm no mod .... !



yep...that was a preety good time guys...I rather enjoyed that...well when ever you want to go at it again Fogel told how to find me...;)

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