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Q6600 Overclock Temp Question


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Alright guys i am using speed fan 4.33 to check my cpu temps but i am not sure what to read. there is a reading for cpu. While running prime 95 this will get pretty hot such as 67c so i turned off. but then there are my core temps which only get to mid 50c. my question is should i look at the cpu reading or the core readings. o i forgot i have my cpu overclocked to 333x9 3.0ghz with vcore of 1.39. i know this vcore is pretty high i will start to lower the voltage once i get this answer alright guys thanks.

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Use the latest core temp instead, that way all you will see is the individual core tempatures.


67C max load is fine, My limit is per any core is about 71C using core temp.

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