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A new E8400


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Well guys I got a brand new E8400 from Micro center a couple days ago. I exchanged my last chip because originally I thought the CPU was the reason the motherboard wouldn't post. But really the memory controller took a poop.


Hopefully this chip is a better overclocker than the last chip I had.

Chip is a E8400 , C0 revision and week 1/15/08.


I'm not taking this chip past 1.35 V until all this stuff about degradation settles down.

I'll start posting OC's pretty soon, after I mess with some new settings.

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I wish that it would have been that price when I went in there to buy this E8400. I would have walked right out with a Q6600.


Oh well..

This chip seems to be better.


3.9 ghz. Vcore set at 1.385V in the bios...




Lowered the Vcore a little bit to 1.375 in the bios


More to come.

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Is it that the SLI do not OC worth a damn or you are just not pushing it?



Not sure what you mean ?

There's only one video card in the computer currently because the other one is being annoying and the fan won't run at less than 100% no matter what I do.

The motherboard is a DFI 680i SLI-T2R.

Ram is G.skill pc-6400 2X 1gb.


I'm running the ram at a 1:1 divider with 1T timings until i reach a speed where I can't do that anymore, then i'm going for <1000 mhz ram speeds.

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Not sure what you mean ?

There's only one video card in the computer currently because the other one is being annoying and the fan won't run at less than 100% no matter what I do.

The motherboard is a DFI 680i SLI-T2R.

Ram is G.skill pc-6400 2X 1gb.


I'm running the ram at a 1:1 divider with 1T timings until i reach a speed where I can't do that anymore, then i'm going for <1000 mhz ram speeds.

What I meant was the SLI MBs do not seem to OC to well...

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ya I haven't taken it very far yet.


It doesn't like any clocks speeds below 3.8 ghz, so hopefully I got a good chip..


the thing that still is weird is that the MB won't post if the NB voltage is above 1.62V and I have it water cooled.

The other motherboard I had didn't like above 1.62V set in bios ether.


Is there any way that I can get the motherboard to post at voltages above 1.62V ??


Temps are 38C idle on the NB at idle

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ya I haven't taken it very far yet.


It doesn't like any clocks speeds below 3.8 ghz, so hopefully I got a good chip..


the thing that still is weird is that the MB won't post if the NB voltage is above 1.62V and I have it water cooled.

The other motherboard I had didn't like above 1.62V set in bios ether.


Is there any way that I can get the motherboard to post at voltages above 1.62V ??


Temps are 38C idle on the NB at idle

I do not know, I have never owned or even used an SLI MB...

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the board is really wierd. I think it's more of a Bios issue than the acutual board itself.

I can now Post with NB: 1.65V.


Currently testing at 4.0 ghz @ 1.3875V Will post a screen shot later if stable.


Edit: ran OCCT 30 minutes. Passed. I thought I got a screen shot but appearntly when I hit Alt + printscreen it decided it didnt want to take a SS.

Well going to run Orthos tonight which is a lot better than OCCT anyway. Will report in the morning.


Failed Orthos @ 4.0 ghz @ 3.8125. Bumped up Vcore to 1.395



Will run Orthos later today

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