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My G0 Q6600 needs crazy voltages and I don't know why


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I'm having some unexpected results with my G0 Q6600 and I could use a little help.


System Specs: G0 Q6600, Gigabyte GA-X38-DS4 F2 Bios, 2 X 1 Gb Corsair PC2-1000, a Tuniq 120 for cooling, MSI 8800GTS512, and a PCP&P Quad 750 PSU.


Here is my problem: My reading indicates the G0 Q6600 should be able to go pretty far on stock voltage. Mine won't and I'm not sure why I'm having A-typical results. I have to bump mine to 1.425 just to do 9X333 for 3Ghz Prime95 stable. After messing with it for the last week and a half, I decided I had better start asking questions before I do much more with it. My last failure was 9X345 for 3.1 Ghz at 1.475 volts. It boots windows, but fails Prime95 (small tft on all 4 cores) within a few minutes most often on Core 0 but about every third or fourth time on Core 3. My temps are remaining well below 60c under full load. My hottest core gets to 57c.


Other info that might be important: I'm currently running my memory underclocked for 1:1 at 800 mhz at my 333 FSB with 5 5 5 15 timings and have been trying to increase my FSB and get my CPU stable before bumping up my memory, although currently my memory is indeed at 2.2volts and my FSB voltage is bumped +.2. - This last bit might well be the kicker and what the problem is, but I don't understand VID well enough to know for sure if this is why my chip needs so much voltage: Core Temp reports my VID as 1.3250v.


What other incormation can I provide that can bu useful?

Edited by six

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I don't know why people are complaining about CPUs not pulling 50% OCs on stock voltage lol...


Exactly, I think people see the odd chip reaching high OCs on relatively low voltages and seem to expect theirs to do the same.

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some CPUs need voltage... it's a fact... I don't know why people are complaining about CPUs not pulling 50% OCs on stock voltage lol...


just give it the voltage it needs...

:withstupid: Not all cpus are the same. I have 5 Q6600s three of which have a VID of 1.325 and its all I can do to maintain almost 3.6Ghz on air because they require so many volts. I am running like 1.525 in the bios to get 3560, 3580. The low VID chips however seem to do a lot better....

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:withstupid: Not all cpus are the same. I have 5 Q6600s three of which have a VID of 1.325 and its all I can do to maintain almost 3.6Ghz on air because they require so many volts. I am running like 1.525 in the bios to get 3560, 3580. The low VID chips however seem to do a lot better....


That's what I was wondering right there. - I wasn't really complainiing that mine was requiring a lot of volts, I was wondering if this was seriously abnormal behavior. Everything I've read lately has been people saying their G0's were getting up to 3.2 without a voltage bump. I can't do 3.1 without 1.5 volts. It looks like I won't get anywhere near 3.5 and 3.6, but now I know I have hope of getting to 3.2 and I feel a bit better.



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That's what I was wondering right there. - I wasn't really complainiing that mine was requiring a lot of volts, I was wondering if this was seriously abnormal behavior. Everything I've read lately has been people saying their G0's were getting up to 3.2 without a voltage bump. I can't do 3.1 without 1.5 volts. It looks like I won't get anywhere near 3.5 and 3.6, but now I know I have hope of getting to 3.2 and I feel a bit better.



You could always sell it and keep buying until you get a low VID chip. I got 2 decent ones out of 5....

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You could always sell it and keep buying until you get a low VID chip. I got 2 decent ones out of 5....


I think I'll hang on to this one. I'm not entirely disatisfied with knowing it's 100% stable and cool at 3.0 Ghz and that I might be able to get it to 3.2. In fact, I can't really describe how happy I am just to have a new system.


Long story short: I used to be a hardware junkie (the press likes to say "enthusiast" these days, but I was dropping close to 25% of my income on new gear every month from 1997 or 98 to 2003 Video cards, processors, pcb's, and hard drives were just like crack cocaine for me ;-) ). Well, I was seriously injured in 2003 just after the AMD XP-3200 was released to retail and I sort of fell on hard times financially. That XP-3200 on an MSI KT6 with a GeForce 4 was the last thing I was able to afford to build for myself. Four years of helping my friends choose parts and put together systems I couldn't afford anymore was a little tough on my ego.


Well, two months ago, I realized that all of my bills were paid, there was food in the fridge, and both my checking and savings were in the black. I was still in the black after being able to get my kids everything they wanted for Christmas. I was still in the black after paying my taxes this month. I started surfing newegg, and though I certainly can't rationalize buying everything on my wish list, I'm almost overjoyed to be tinkering with my first new system in 4 years. I think I'm OK with the fact that it will never see 3.6 Ghz. I'm even satisfied that my new machine is residing in an old dented antec mid-tower I dug out of my storage shed. I'm just really happy I have a new machine.

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  • 2 months later...
You could always sell it and keep buying until you get a low VID chip. I got 2 decent ones out of 5....


Well, I decided to take that advice. I'm learning that all G0's are not created equal. I bought another chip and it had the exact same vid... but this new one OCs like a champ. The old one was very limited in comparison and way hotter. I was never comfortable above 9X345.


And, I could never get the last one to post with an 8 X multi, but this one started right out @ 8X400 and at a full tenth of a volt less vcore than the last one needed for almost 100 mhz lower clock My X38 board seems to be able to handle any FSB I want so far and I've been as far as 8X450 (and the new chip well under 1.5v vcore). I know it is pretty happy up to 3.6Ghz, but I haven't gotten it to post properly at 9X400 yet. I'm thinking I might not be feeding my northbridge enough volts maybe, but I haven't investigated that fully yet because I've developed a bit of a temperature issue above +.2 v. - My northbridge cooling is a heatpipe thing that goes from the NB to the MOFSETS and it needs a little air movement that isn't well provided by my Xigmatek cooler. I think gigabyte designed that set up thinking people would use the stock coolers and that sort of cooler blows some air around that area where something like a TRUE or a Xigmatek doesn't blow air toward the board.


Anyway, thanks for the advice. I didn't end up with a lower VID but I did end up with a more responsive chip. I don't know how far it will go yet, but it is more than slightly superior than my last one.

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Get a fan blowing on the northbridge will help, I have a 120mm blowing on mine and one on the RAM. I am also using +.050 on my MCH and +.10 or .15 on the FSB setting. I have had to go as high as .075 on the MCH when getting on up there.

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