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What is a sample rate?


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samples per second = horizontal resolution


the higher the resolution, the more detail in the recording


44100 is about normal... 192000 is nice ;)


however, stuff you'll download and buy is normally 44100 (red book CDs are this)


if you try and play something at a higher rate, it may play faster, or just not work at all.

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I doubt people could actually hear the difference between 96 and 192 kHz... a higher sample rate approaches the exact analogue signal being recorded, but for listening, anything above 44.1/48kHz is kinda overkill... for mixing and recording, it has its advantages

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I doubt people could actually hear the difference between 96 and 192 kHz... a higher sample rate approaches the exact analogue signal being recorded, but for listening, anything above 44.1/48kHz is kinda overkill... for mixing and recording, it has its advantages



My default rate was set at 128 then i switched it to 192. do you recommend that i swath it back to 128 or should i set it back

even lower? I do plan on hooking my PC up to my receiver via SPDIF coaxial and using my desktop as HTPC.

Just wondering what would be best for my situation?

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My default rate was set at 128 then i switched it to 192. do you recommend that i swath it back to 128 or should i set it back

even lower? I do plan on hooking my PC up to my receiver via SPDIF coaxial and using my desktop as HTPC.

Just wondering what would be best for my situation?


Check the receiver and see what its sample rate is. Match that sample rate, that way the signal doesn't have to be converted to a different sample rate. Probably won't hear the difference. But thats what I would do.

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Check the receiver and see what its sample rate is. Match that sample rate, that way the signal doesn't have to be converted to a different sample rate. Probably won't hear the difference. But thats what I would do.

:thumbs-up: Thanks i will look it up in the manual.. :)

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128 is a bit strange number for a sampling rate.

This might be a bps figure for ripping CDs to mp3 perhaps...?

44.1, 48, 96 and 192 are commonly used. These are in KHz and tell you how many thousands of samples are taken per second.

If you play an audio CD this is 44.1 KHz source so there is no use to go any higher. DVDs are usually 48 KHz. Only SA Discs come with rates of 96Khz for 5.1. and 192Khz for stereo... Hope that helps.

Sure you can set it all to the highest value and let it upsample.

Edited by Stoff

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