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nvidia driver issues...hopefully


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well i seem to have ran into a problem im hoping is just software related but its got me wondering if my vc or mb is dying.

i came home today after work and turned on my pc, went through post as normal and the winxp loading screen but once it got to the login screen it just went blank....could only get into windows after i went into vga mode and lowered the res.... after that no matter what i did windows wouldnt let me change the settings from 640x480 4bit. it needed reformated anyways so i used it as an excuse. reformated as usual, installed 9.53 chipset drivers, updated windows, and installed the 163.71 forceware drivers. after installing the vc rivers and rebooted it did the same damn thing with going black after the loading screen and is still only allowing me 640x480 4bit. i uninstalled those drivers and it would allow me to change resolutions again. so i downloaded the newest beta drivers and installed them...SAME THING. so from what i have seen, if there are video drivers installed, i am limited to 640x480. this has occured back to back on 2 different installs and different drivers. is some of my hardware starting to die? ive had nothing but problems lately with my pc and its got me wondering.

btw my pc has been at stock settings for the last week or so due to random issues.

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try some older versions of vc drivers. dont try newest or beta. I had some problems with my dual monitor setup and my vid card. I installed older drivers for me like 6 versions ago and it fixed the problem. If that doesnt work you can try tweaked drivers and in some cases they raise fps and benches. extreme g ive had good luck with those.

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Your screen will turn black under one of two circumstances usually:


1. Your monitor can't display the settings (out of range).

2. Your video card can't display the settings (could be bad GDDR).


Are you seeing any artifacts on your screen? Either during post and/or in Windows? Typically with video card issues like that, you'd have other symptons. If you can't easily test another video card, I'd test your monitor on someone else's computer.

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Your screen will turn black under one of two circumstances usually:


1. Your monitor can't display the settings (out of range).

2. Your video card can't display the settings (could be bad GDDR).


Are you seeing any artifacts on your screen? Either during post and/or in Windows? Typically with video card issues like that, you'd have other symptons. If you can't easily test another video card, I'd test your monitor on someone else's computer.

well actually if there are no drivers at all installed everything works fine, but its when i install the drivers is when it has problems. it works perfect in post and in safe mode, but not in vga mode or normal windows. doesnt go blank until after the windows loading screen, and even then the computer still runs as you can here the windows login sound, i just lose video signal. i have tried several versions all with the same problem, ive even reformated again today. still the same problem. i guess ill just have to try it in a friends computer.

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well, i tried it in a friends pc today and the card works fine. now im starting wonder if my mb is flaking out. i do have the early revision that was plagued with problems. maybe they are just now surfacing on my board.

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my AR board died the other day, all I get is "- -" and no post beeps, I bought an A1 version and it booted right up no problems...


If you can stand the wait, EVGA do an RMA on the AR where you can get the A1 in return if you specify you would like Core2 Quad support, as the AR does not properly support Core2 Quad and will be unstable

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my AR board died the other day, all I get is "- -" and no post beeps, I bought an A1 version and it booted right up no problems...


If you can stand the wait, EVGA do an RMA on the AR where you can get the A1 in return if you specify you would like Core2 Quad support, as the AR does not properly support Core2 Quad and will be unstable

i think im going to do that tomorrow. this next 2 or 3 weeks is gonna suck...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i hate computers... i got bored today and decided to fire this crippled rig up and low and behold it boots like it was new.... on it now with no flaws, still gonna rma this board when i get the money though. like i said, i hate computers.

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