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I hate Apple and that article mentions some of my reason's for hatred. :)


In all fairness though, everything has its fans (normal ones and over the top ones).

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I dislike Apple because of the iPod, DRM and iTunes.




If iPods were more user friendly when copying files from a PC to the device, I'd have one. Sadly, they aren't and the Creative Zen (which works like a thumb drive and uses WMP 10 etc) is much better.


Apple have much to learn and are quite similar to MS in reality...just as implied by that article.

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So you hate a company and its products because of its rabid fans? Yea, that's logical... <_<

Every company has its rabid fans ;). He just proved his point.*


I do agree. I don't mind Macs all that much (I have a preference for Windows, but I don't mind them). It's the idiot fanboys and fangirls like described in the article that keep me up at night with their hypocrisy.



*And seeing as some people took that the wrong way, that comment was about Nerm proving his own point in his post.

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Every company has its rabid fans ;). He just proved his point.


Wow, looks like somebody needs to read up on the definition of rabid. This is how a crazy Mac fan would have responded to Nerm:


OMG!! what the heck dude, Macs are the best, you don't know anything. You're just jealous that I have a Mac and you're stuck with stoopid Windowz. Ha! Ha! I bet you like using your crappy Mac ripoff Vista!!1! Windowz users are so dumb, yuk yuk.


But then again, replace Macs and Windows with Xbox and Playstation, or any other competing products, and you've got yourself some cookie cutter rabid fans :P

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So you hate a company and its products because of its rabid fans? Yea, that's logical... <_>


Kash learn to read. lol :P .......I said that article listed some of the reasons I hate Apple. I didn't say it was the sole reason.

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I shall now share with you my 2 favorite mac moments.


1. When an old roomate of mine who used a mac and praised it DAILY and tried to convert people to this cult, turned to me one night and said "schwag, explain to me again why apple is so much better than everything else"


2. Helping a friend connect a mac to a wireless router, the only error it said was along the lines of "this laptop cannot connect to this wireless access point". After fifteen minutes of interrogation, I figured out the mac was never going to tell me why it cannot connect, so I said screw it. I hate useless error messages.




The first one is still my favorite, and I still have no Idea how to reply to that kind of statement.

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