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8800GTS or 2900 XT


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I am trying to decide between the two. They both seem like excellent cards. HardOCP makes the 8800GTS 320MB sound better. But all the other benchmarks I've seen make the 2900XT sound better. I know benchmarks don't mean much in actual gaming though.


I really just want a card that can use AA and AF and high in game settings at 1680x1050. In my reading I found that the 2900XT had problems with AA, but the reviews were old and made this sound like a driver issue. So does anyone know if new drivers have fixed this, or is it a design problem?


Actually I'm looking at the 2900 Pro (and pushing it to XT levels).


Thanks for your thoughts.

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So you have the XT kingdingeling. Does it still have bad Anti-Aliasing at high resolutions?

The performance hit is higher than it should be, yes. That's not something that'll be fixed with a driver, it's an architecture thing.


A bonus though is that DX10 mode usually uses a softness filter on far-away things making FSAA almost unneeded. :)

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What do you consider "bad antialising"? I run Crysis 4x AA @ 1680x1050, and ... let's put it this way, IT LOOKS FREGGIN AWESOME! :D:lol:

I think he was referring to the performance hit. It takes a larger hit than almost any card out there percentage-wise when FSAA is enabled.

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