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corsair querry!

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cm2x1024 - 6400, latency 5-5-5-12.

any one can give me good and the bad of this ram/ its 800mhz


thank you!



I'm not exactly sure I understand your question. However those are some nice clocks.

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It seems alright. You'd have to give a more detailed account of WHICH Corsair that is, cause there's about a thousand different Corasir XMS2 2GB kits. Also, which revision is it, then I can tell you what ICs they have, and how they should overclock.

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It seems alright. You'd have to give a more detailed account of WHICH Corsair that is, cause there's about a thousand different Corasir XMS2 2GB kits. Also, which revision is it, then I can tell you what ICs they have, and how they should overclock.


well its just 1gb, single peace.


and its not xms2 2gb kit.


its cm2x1024 - 6400, and there is no c3 also. when i purchsed they said c3 and this would be the same. i am not sure of it.


and it suppost to run at 2.1 v , but its running at 1.85v, even when i have overclocked from 800mhz to 920 ~ 960,( 3:2 overclock on motherboard ).

Edited by get_saif

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You'll be able to run better timings if you increase the voltage. I don't know which ICs those have, but most likely Elpidia or Powerchips or something.



how much do u think i should increase the voltage to? and in what figures ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ajmatson

That ram is an ok set you just have to play with it. Go to 2.1v and play with your timings to see what you can get. I recomend you run memtest everytime you change something so you don't hose your windows install. I have gotten my set (same ones) to 1066 at 2.0v just fine but I have a ram cooler on them too keep the heat down. Mine are running at 5-4-4-17 and they are stable. Just play around with them and see what you can come up with. Each set is different.

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