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UF Student tasered at John Kerry Speech


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KB, I ask you again, why did they not just throw him out? They were right to the door.



Resisting arrest is unlawful only if the arrest is lawful. This was not a lawful arrest. I understood that those cops were security too. Not rent-a-cop security, but actual cops being security 'guards'. Regardless, I was under the impression that security guards cannot arrest you.


Also, what do you say to the quotes?

Perhaps if you understood the law, Andrew, you'd understand WHY he was arrested. He was attempting to cause unrest and disorder after having his mic power cut off. Doing so is the IRL equivalent of trolling, and is illegal. The officers attempted to be peaceful, but he escalated it. Why did they not throw him out the door? Possibly because he was being detained for breaking the law.


The arrest was lawful given the circumstances, and chances are any judge would find him guilty after viewing the various tapes.

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He was attempting to cause unrest and disorder after having his mic power cut off.
How so?

If there is more to the story than the articles posted here then please enlighten me, none of them seem to portray that...


Last time I checked there was a thing called "freedom of speech", you can't actually believe that he "was attempting to cause unrest and disorder" by stating a controversial question can you?


Come on now...

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you can't actually believe that he "was attempting to cause unrest and disorder" by stating a controversial question can you?

He said himself in a later interview that he was there to cause trouble...so yeah, I do.

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Also, regarding whoever talked about the person not being read their rights:


Miranda rights must only be read when an individual is in police custody and is under interrogation. Therefore, if the police stop you to give you a traffic ticket, and you start explaining to them why you were speeding, you cannot later protest that you were not read your Miranda rights. While the police may have been "interrogating" you in a certain sense, you were not in police custody.



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i stand by my opinion that the cops were heavy handed.

whether he was breaking any actual laws is open to interpretation.

this is why we have courts, and juries who are not connected to law enforcement.

i do not feel sorry for him since he got what he was seeking, in spades.


i am not a snot nosed college freshman.

i am 50 years old.

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I never stated that you were, I was referring to the e-opinions that Andrew posted.


You quoted me and called me Andrew, for whatever reason. I don't know what's going on.


You still haven't answered my question. Why didn't they just toss him outside (in the first place, meaning - since you don't seem to comprehend this little part) if they didn't want him in there so much for doing nothing wrong?

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Andrew Meyer - Tasered by Police - a better video that the first one, but...




I wonder why no-one helped him? Why no-one jumped at the craping cops and free innocent man? What are you, Americans, become?


Where is your democracy, where is your freedom of speech? Where is your constitution?


This is terrible tyrany you are living on. Just don't ask the wrong questions?! Unbeliable. Unbeliable.


It's time to shoot people imposing such tyrany!

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