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Need opinions on some TV's


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Hey well I was looking at getting the 52' Sony LCD XBR3 here in about 1 month. From what I have heard it is one of the best around for LCD's has a pretty nice refrsh and contrast ratio. But I have just started noticing these new Samsungs popping up with the HDMI 1.3 compliancy and huge contrast ratio. Only difference right now is that the Samsung is a 46'.


Anyone know anything about these two and if the 1.3 is even going to matter? It hardly seems that 1080p matter at this point. Think I should not worry about and get the extra inches? As of now seeing as I think the refresh is faster on the sony and its 6' bigger thats the one im still leaning towards right now. But the new stuff always interests me. Really that huge 15k/1 contrast ratio :P

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Well first of all there are two types of contrast ratio, the dynamic, and the normal one, i think that the dyanmic is the one that is expressed in a higher value, for example the 15k/1 is a dynamic, and im not sure if the one given by sony is the dynamic constrast ratio or not... On the other hand the XBR3 is out of date, b/c the XBR4 have been released already.

Next... if ur looking to use the real power of the HDTV 1080p is extremly important in order to get the best image possible.

I have owned a Samsung LCD and a Samsung Plasma, i have had no problem with it till date.

So basically both brands are really good in LCD's, but i think that the 1080p is an important factor in order to usethe real HDTV

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Woah. Don't buy a big TV without 1080p... it'll look pants probably.


I also wouldn't worry about the refersh rate - provided it's higher than 60hz, it's way more than the signal so it's all cool.

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I just bought a Westinghouse LVM-42 42" 1080p LCD monitor, it looks very good even compared side-by-side to much more expensive TVs/monitors when properly calibrated.

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Woah. Don't buy a big TV without 1080p... it'll look pants probably.


I also wouldn't worry about the refersh rate - provided it's higher than 60hz, it's way more than the signal so it's all cool.





Is that british for bad? Never heard that phrase before. Just cruious.

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heh pants.... well thanks for the advice and of course both of these tv's im looking at are 1080p lol. The big difference was the one has HDMI 1.3 compliancy where as the other doesnt. Also the one w/o hdmi 1.3 is 6inch's bigger.

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