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My Rig Wont Post After A Hard Shutdown


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My rig all of a sudden did a hard shutdown and will no longer POST. My brother heard a click right before it shutdown, I was wearing headphones at the time playing WoW.


All four diagnostic lights on my mobo stay solid red when I turn the computer on. All fans and drives spin as usual and my monitor does not receive a signal. There are no beeps coming from the speaker.


So far Ive reset the CMOS jumper and left the battery out for 10 minutes. No change. I removed one of my 7800GTs and there was no change either. Ive also check all of the connections on the motherboard. All caps look fine as well.


The motherboard, RAM and one of the 7800GTs are all just about 1 1/2 years old. The CPU and PSU are 6 or 7 months old.


The whole rig was moved to a new case and has been running for 6 months without a problem with only a small 400mhz overclock on the CPU.


Specs are in my sig, the PSU is an Antec Truepower 2.0 550w. The click leads me to believe its a faulty PSU but I wanted to get a second opinion before I tear things apart, plus I had a dud antec PSU before this one.


Ive got RAM and a CPU I can use to test with.


Edit* Ive removed both video cards and it is still not doing anything differently.



Edit yet again* Ive switched out the CPU with my older single core venice. Its still not posting. I believe the PSU isnt supplying enough power for the board to full boot. Can anyone point me to instructions on how to test the PSU other than putting it into another rig?

Edited by SMeeD

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Disconnected all drives, no change

booted with no CPU in the socket, no change

booted with 1 stick of ram, no change

booted with no ram, no change


Is it really possible both CPUs of mine are dead?

Is my board shot?

PSU shot?


Im stuck.

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The only thing I know to do is start trying other parts that you know work or start taking parts out of yours and test them in another working rig. Did you check the PSU with a volt meter and see if its working?

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Antec did have a run of really bad psu's... so it's possible... four lights means, for one reason or another, the cpu isn't being recognised


it's extremely unlikely to be both cpu's or the motherboard

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You seem to be doing everything right.


I think you are correct in the PSU diagnosis. I assume you have already done this, but have you unplugged the psu and let it sit for a minute or two before trying to power up again? This has done the trick for me in the past.


Do you have a PSU you can swap in?

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The only thing I know to do is start trying other parts that you know work or start taking parts out of yours and test them in another working rig. Did you check the PSU with a volt meter and see if its working?


Checking the PSU is my next step. I tried a PCI video card which I know works just for kicks and its no surprise it didnt make a difference. The only parts I can test in another rig would be the RAM and PSU.


Antec did have a run of really bad psu's... so it's possible... four lights means, for one reason or another, the cpu isn't being recognised


it's extremely unlikely to be both cpu's or the motherboard


I did get this PSU right after my other Antec started hissing, that was right about before people started talking about Antec and bad caps so the PSU is definitely my prime suspect. If it really is dead, Im going to stay away from Antec for a while.


You seem to be doing everything right.


I think you are correct in the PSU diagnosis. I assume you have already done this, but have you unplugged the psu and let it sit for a minute or two before trying to power up again? This has done the trick for me in the past.


Do you have a PSU you can swap in?


Yup, the whole tower sat overnight unplugged on my table. I dont have another PSU to swap in, the best I can do is a volt meter or try it in an older computer that draws significantly less power.

Edited by SMeeD

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I would remove the PSU from the case and use this test method. If the PSU works, it must be a bad motherboard, but i could be wrong. This test should definitely tell if the PSU works.


^ I did not take the pic, but it shows how to test the PSU.

Edited by coolcat97

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Well I tested it with a DMM and voltages checked out. Im going to hook it up to this computer and see if it runs, then put it in my main rig and test voltages when its trying to boot.

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Well I tested it with a DMM and voltages checked out. Im going to hook it up to this computer and see if it runs, then put it in my main rig and test voltages when its trying to boot.

Well that does not sound good, might be the MB...

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Yeah, thats what Im thinking now. I hooked it back up to my rig, (well with only the CD drive and 1 7800 plugged in) and the 5V and 12V were right on the mark. I couldnt test the 3.3 because it was hooked into the motherboard though.


Im not really sure what to do from here.

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