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New AGP Card

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Alright I need to pick up a new AGP video card, I dont have the money to upgrade to PCI-E right now.


Im looking for a card that is going to be priced under or around $150 and is going to give me 1) good graphics 2) score good in benchmarks and 3) give me a great boost from a 9200.


I will be willing to go for either Nvidia or ATI.


My motherboard currently is a MS-7025 with a nForce3 250 chipset and a nForce3 MCP southbridge


The main reason for this is because I cant afford to purchase a new computer at this time and I need to upgrade video card for the Forum Wars comp :)

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you can find x800s for under $120 now i got mine from newegg for $130 with a $20 rebate :)



anything else is a kinda a waste because these new games need CPU power

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I was thinking the 1950Pro might be good, if you could still find an AGP one, but I have to agree with everyone else and just say "yuck" instead.


Investing any decent amount of money into AGP at this point just seems like a really bad idea. Not only are you going to pay a lot more for a lot less, but you shoot yourself in the foot when it comes to planning a move to a C2D (or whatever your next upgrade may be).

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I sorta figured that it wouldnt be worth it...


curently I dont have the money to spend on a new rig so thats out of the option...:(


I am working at Wendy's right now and trying to get a job at Burger King for some extra money that I would be able to save up and spend on a rig but thats not workikng out too well yet, Ill know on Thursday if I have the job or not...lol


I need to find a job here in Michigan that pays well and that has to do with computers and does not require any past experience or a degree from a college since I just got done w/ my first year at Ferris State and Im working on trying to go somewhere different because Ferris isnt that good IMHO


I also had some things come up w/ the car that took a little bit more of my attention than a new computer :(

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