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Thermaltake Gamma Pad

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This is doing my nut in now.

I bought my first 1 over 6 month ago and now i am on my 3rd pad one of the blue LEDS Have packed in again any 1 else had this peoblem with this pad ?


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yeah nice reply ppl


You can't expect a reply instantaneously. It's not like you have a problem with a common part.


You're going to have to wait till somebody who also owns that particular mousepad to read this thread.

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Welcome to the joys of having LED's on computer stuff......


They never seem to last prob because they don't use good ones to keep the cost down. <_>

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yeah nice reply ppl

wow you waited a whole 2 hours for a response... i'd be pissed too! :rolleyes:


but i would do like suchuwato suggested & open it up to inspect for damage

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