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Supreme Commander


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This game is pretty nice, there are so many units and different tech levels. If you liked Starcraft you might want to try this game. Same Idea, with the three species/races to choose/play..


And finally the power of the Nuke is finally to scale. Its nice. I can't tell you the fun I have had... :)


The zoom feature is also pretty cool, you can zoom out to see the entire map, you can zoom in close enough to see a single tree or rock.


This was just a skirmish game so I could give some pics. The last two are of Nukes exploding over the enemies base.









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Do you ever get other units that can build/repair buildings? I played the demo and I got VERY tired of watching that main guy meander all over the place everytime I wanted to build or fix something. I liked the interface (dual monitor gameplay FTW!), and the graphics were beautiful, but the game play did not hold my attention for more than 2 skirmishes (or whatever you'd call them), because that guy moves so slow and he's the only one that can build.

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I also played the demo, and a little reading would tell you you can make "engineer" units (dont remember the name) and have them build seperate things, or have all of them build one thing faster. It was fun, but far too timeconsuming, I already dislike the major drawback to RTS gaming where you cant really sit down and play a game in 20 mins and have any fun. This game however takes it to an extreme with the massive amounts of unit development. Fun, but a bit more than i care to play in an RTS.


As for the multi monitor ability,I didnt get to test it, it appears to be incompatable if you use multi GPUs for the output, and on top of that I hihgly doubt the 5500 PCI (the 5200 is actually with a friend atm) could handle the game atbare minimum settings 800x600 much less run two 1280x1024 LCDs forit :lol:

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a little reading would tell you you can make "engineer" units (dont remember the name) and have them build seperate things, or have all of them build one thing faster.
Verran, you must have done something seriously wrong :lol: I figured out what units build/repair stuff in about 2 minutes :P (don't remeber what they're called though ;))

I guess I did do something wrong. I won't claim to have "pored over" the literature, but I will say I gave it a good deal of time and looked over all the units. I don't know how I missed it, but maybe I'll have another go at it with that in mind. I agree with cchalo though that it was VERY time consuming, to the point where if you don't have at least a solid hour to devote to it, it's really not worth playing. It's too bad though, because the graphics are really something else.

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Do you ever get other units that can build/repair buildings? I played the demo and I got VERY tired of watching that main guy meander all over the place everytime I wanted to build or fix something. I liked the interface (dual monitor gameplay FTW!), and the graphics were beautiful, but the game play did not hold my attention for more than 2 skirmishes (or whatever you'd call them), because that guy moves so slow and he's the only one that can build.

Ya they already covered you on the engineer part. As for the speed you can make it faster, Fast or where you can change it in game. And you are right. If I wasn't using cheats the game would have taken a very very long time. But thats not really a problem as I only play skirmish to see stuff Explode. :)


I really like all the different tech levels and buildings you can make. They really thought it out. AS you upgrade the building stations the amount of you units you can build decrease but the firepower of them increases.

For example the First tech level of the land station, you can make like eight or nine different tanks or mobile units, and they are pretty weak. Once on the third tech level you can only make two different units. But they are powerfull.


The other thing that is nice is the defensive options, they really made sure you could defend against any type of attack with enplacements.


The experiemental Units are sweet. The super weapon of the game really, besides the Nuke. Each race has three different experiemental ships you can build. Some fly, some are land units others are water..

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It takes a while to learn the game for sure, but i dont agree with the point that you need a lot of time to make one skirmish game. my experience is that ranked games take about 20-30 mins, 45 at most, ending up with a Tech 3 bot rush or gunship rush. Btw,yes, the buildung/repairing units are called engineers.

it's a really fun game, however the balancing isn't the best yet. the Aenon are still overpowered, their early tanks are amphibious(which gives you a real advantage from the beginning and have the gratest range from all tanks at this tech level, and their Experimetal units are way better than most others, but there is much more to come for this game, some great mods are on the way:Command and conquer mod for example, where the CNC units will be implemented in this game, or a warhammer mod:epic battles FTW :).

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