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Maximum temp for e4300 overclocked

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Definitely. For my cooler, I try and keep it under 55, but a core2 running in the mid 60's under load is not unusual at all. I see lots of OEM rigs with core2's that run in the high 50's to mid 60's under load. So, in general, I'd say anything below 60-65 is going to be OK. I agree that 75-79 is a little toasty for my tastes, though I have read where core 2's can hold up well over 85C (never tested that theory, don't plan on it, don't recomment it)...


EDIT: According to Intel's site ( http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SL9ZL ), the E6600 should stay below 65C for optimal performance. I would think the rated temperature for the 4300 would be similar, if not slightly lower.

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I am running my E4300 at 3Ghz also 9 multiplyer and 1333fsb with 1.408 vcore also and my temp right now with the room a warm 78 f is 53 c when I am playing Combat Arms the temp gets up to 71 c. I did switch cpu's with out new paste but the artic silver was still tacky. I have some Antec silver ordered and will see if that brings it down. Im using a ZALMAN 9500 heat sink mid tower with 2 80mm in front a 120 on the side and a 90mm out back. I have had no stability issues but also like my temps to be lower.

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Removing the heatsink and replacing it without cleaning off thr TIM will introduce loads of tiny air bubbles into the mixture. Much like whipping marmite.

You should always clean the thermal paste off and reapply, really thin.




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