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Whats the best chipset for C2D?

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Looking at various motherboards for the core2duo I'm going to get soon, was just wondering which chipset perferms the best?



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If you dont care about SLI/Crossifre then the 965 is a much better option than the 680i on a budget. Also from my experence RAID performance on the 680i is nothing special, while the 965 chipsets seem to get the most out of the drives. Actaully, 680i gets slightly LOWER performance than NF4 RAID 0 for me :-\ Very sad considering that nvidia says the problems is "fixed." Granted nvRAID was a little easier to setup (Thanks to Intel's Matrix storage controller software being a PITA).


As for performance, both chipsets flat out kick .. I just wont be buying another ASUS board again...ever. Worst customer service I've ever seen.

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It all eally comes down to what you want to do with your computer. If all out highest speed on the cpu go for a 965 chipset. Just be aware of the performance robbing strap changes around 400fsb. If you want the highest ram speed possible go for either the 680i or Rd600 chipsets. Best performance overall with a cpu that has a higher multiplier( 6600 or higher) go with the 975x chipset. I have used 3 of the 4 and while Super pi times are not the be all end all determining factor for me i have managed to get the same overclock on my cpu on all 3. So no advantage there. Ram speed on my 975chipset has hit a wall at 535fsb while i can run up to 560 on my rd600. I'm still playing with the 680i but superpi times at the same cpu speed and memory speed and timings are slower than on my 975x and faster than the rd600. It just depends what you want out of a chipset.

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You should also note that the RD600 is not the only DFI board being released. Their 680i is on the way as well. I'm sure Coke can attest, but that ATI board has an insane amount of bios tweaking options for your RAM. I've seen it best a 680i under the hands of a very experienced user.

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