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I found this neat little MMORPG called:


It kind of reminds me of Diablo.

It runs perfect on my computer, probably because its graphicaly equivalent to Diablo too...


Ive only been playing it for a little under an hour, and I'm already hooked!!

My Stats:


Edited by Andrewr05

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what server?

Character name: Digitalius

Type: Mage


Have you tried it yet?



My current stats:




And just a forewarning this game runs at a horrible resolution, my res is 1280 x 1024 and when the game starts its about 800 x600 :blink:


Go into the program files and load the 1280x1024 registry file ;)





She's a tough son of a gun...



Apparantly the developers like StarWars because there is a Yoda look alike (shown) and you can use lightsabers...

I'm surprised they don't have Stormtrooper armor or something! :D

Edited by Andrewr05

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bah, i created mine on server 1...




And yeah, I noticed Yoda too. The game is....interesting. I don't really understand it. Haven't gotten any quests...at least it doesn't appear that way....I just go around slaughtering everything I see. Haven't tried the "Chaos Castle", whatever that is.

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I just found out that MonsterMU is actually a private server of Global MU!


Thats why we were leveling so fast and getting all these kick arse items so frequently...


Official Game


I'm downloading the original game now, its just a bummer that I have to start over.



Apparently this is one of the most "privatized" games around, there are about 300 known private games that (may be illegal) are in operation.


K2 knows about these private servers, but only shuts down the major ones...

Edited by Andrewr05

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You're gonna want to edit that. That website lists various illegal servers.
I just posted that list for reference, to prove how many there actually are...


That list of "200" websites are all severs of Global MU, but I suppose I should remove it, eh?

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As someone who's been in the private server scene, I can tell you right now that there are hundreds of minor servers, and a good handful of major illegal servers out there for just about every MMO out there. It takes very little knowledge or skill to set up a private server, and just word of mouth on specific communities.


Regardless of whether it was a reference or not, it still linked to a website that violated the rules. Sort of like how I can't link to a porn site to demonstrate how many women are in pornography these days.

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As someone who's been in the private server scene, I can tell you right now that there are hundreds of minor servers, and a good handful of major illegal servers out there for just about every MMO out there. It takes very little knowledge or skill to set up a private server, and just word of mouth on specific communities.


Regardless of whether it was a reference or not, it still linked to a website that violated the rules. Sort of like how I can't link to a porn site to demonstrate how many women are in pornography these days.

Good point, but I realised that and I deleted it ealier...

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what server?




Bummer that you did server 1 though, I only really chose server 3 because it had the least traffic.


just a note: umm... server 1,2 and 3 are all the same game, they all connect, you can play all 3 servers on 1 guy, but theyre kinda different

server 1: has storage

server 2: allows trading

server 3: no storage OR trading, all combat

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