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Oh jeeze


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I cannot believe what I just did. Vista got hosed. So I was happily running xp setup 5 minutes ago. In the partition screen in setup I saw a partition I had never seen before. I did the bone headed thing and deleted it. Then I just happened to look over at my Ipod, which was in its dock. The screen was flashing a bunch of messages. Yep I just formatted the HD on my Ipod with windows setup.!@#$%^&*()_ :(


N00b does not ever begin to describe this event.


I think I'll go hit myself with a stupid stick while my harddrive (the correct one) formats.

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Didn't Apple warn people about using Vista with Ipods? :P: j/k


Anyways perhaps you can have Apple rma it? I am not sure about it though but it's worth a try especially since I doubt you will easily find someone with a backup partition of their ipod.

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Does the iPod not work anymore? It should still boot into disk mode, try holding the center button and the menu button and the iPod should reboot. Than hold the center button and the play button. It should go into disk mode. From there you should be able to run a firmware update and restore your iPod back to its original state. You won't have all your songs, but hopefully you had those all backed up.

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