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3d Mark 03


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I was just able to get 3d mark 03 past 'file corruption' errors and everything went fine. Except one thing, my score was only 869. here's my rig...


asus p4s8x w/ p4 2.4g @ 2.7

768m pc 2700 ddr

geforce 4 ti4200 (64m) engine/mem @ 290/540


pc2002mark scores were over 7000 and 3dmark01 se scores were also over 7000

anyone else with similiar pblms, or tips to resolve this? I know this system is quick, and I know it inside and out as I built it myself!

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the main thing with the new 3dmark is its use of dx9. so cards that don't fully support it tend to score really low. your gonna need GeForce FX or something in the ATI line, but anything in the Ti line won't really do it.


other then that all i can say is try some of then newer "leaked" drivers, i got good result with the 42.86, which were the newest when 3dmark03 first came out. that and turn your graphics settings down to agressive,

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Ya, I know I shouldn't compare the scores to other stuff and I have been looking at the FX card a bit.


I do know that after cranking the engine up to 300 and the mem up to 540, I also bumped my FSB up more so my sys was at 2.9g then ran the benchmark at 800x600x16.

I was Finally able to get my score up to 2230!!!


So, I feel a lot better about that one then the previous score. As soon as I can spend the extra cash I'll get the FX (maybe by then they'll have a better one out too!!)

Edited by Flash2073

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i heard that the ati cards performed better on 3dmark03 so nvidia tooled their drivers to perform better on 3dmark03(which is unfair and is cheating), and for that reason futuremark will not allow results to be posted that were obtained with the latest nividia drivers, i think they were beta drivers too.


is that what you were reffering to intel_inside?

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I was benchmarking using 3dmark 2001 SE with same results when i overclocked my Card. Well Well well I was surprised that when I overclocked my ATI 9700 with PowerStrip my scores shot up proportionally with every time I increased my ATI speed here are the results


Using 3DMark 2003:


4646: stock cpu, ATI stock @324Mhz ram 310


4860: stock cpu, Ati overclocked @ 353Mhz ram 313


4912: stock cpu, ATI overclocked @ 361Mhz ram 313


thats a large increase which was not noticable with 3dmark 2001 SE. So I beleive that 3DMark 2003 is more compatible with ATI 9700. I could have overclocked further getting a higher score, and even a bettter score if i slightly overclocked my cpu.

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