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Random issues.. Don't know what's the cause

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Ok for the past several weeks - months I have been getting issues where I will get random errors all throughout my computer. IE, Firefox, Xfire, WoW, any other game, BSOD's etc etc.. I have tried 3 different processors, it continues the error on all of them. I am now using a different drive (now SATA) with a clean XP Pro OS on it... I am still getting random errors.. The last few BSOD's were PAGE_FAULT_FOUND_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. also I have many times had IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I don't think it's the mobo, but then again i'm not 100% sure... The ram is 2 years old, some generic kingston value ram.. Could it be causing the issue? The mobo is an MSI K7N2 Delta 2 FSR.. And I didn't know where to post this

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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I'm not exactly sure but take a look at this You may also want to re-format again, and start installing everything one by one of course and run it to see if the errors pop up until you find what may be causing all that. In addition you may want to go ahead and upgrade that RAM a bit anyways, wouldn't hurt. I know for myself any time I would get errors like that it always seemed to be memory related......

Edited by bgnatewv2

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Test the RAM with memtest86. Give it a few passes. If you get any errors at all it's unstable (not really a case of "oh, it's only 1 error... it'll be fine). This could mean bad RAM, or it could mean wrong timings / voltage.


Also if you're overclocking try running at stock and run some stress tests like Prime95, OCCT, whatever else there is nowadays :)

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Isn't that an IRQ conflict issue?



no. I've seen this error hundreds of times if not thousands. and in 99.99999% of the instances it's related to processor cooling. and in most of those cases... it's an athlon xp :( heatsinks not on right or too much thermal compound. this overheating causes the wrong calls in drivers... thus MS's reasoning of it being a software problem. it's NOT. Most rigs I've seen this with and fixed with the below steps haven't had to be reformatted or reinstalled. they work PERFECT afterwards.


take the HSF off, CLEAN it, no compound on it what so ever. look for deep scratches in the metal. also clean the die on the CPU with rubbing alcohol and a lint free cloth. be careful not to chip it press to hard bending pins... follow ESD safety proceedures to the letter of the law there too (you should know that part already, but I'm just making sure).

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Ok, i think I have narrowed it down to the RAM.. i took the ram out, cleaned the contacts and replaced my oldest chip with another 512mb DDR stick.. I looked online and a lot of people had the same problem and replaced the ram it worked..


I would get these errors no matter how many times i formatted... and no matter how cool my CPU was (24

Edited by HoLoDreaM

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Ok, i think I have narrowed it down to the RAM.. i took the ram out, cleaned the contacts and replaced my oldest chip with another 512mb DDR stick.. I looked online and a lot of people had the same problem and replaced the ram it worked..


Sounds about right. Like I said, memtest86 is a pretty good test.


I would get these errors no matter how many times i formatted... and no matter how cool my CPU was (24

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what it's running at NOW doesn't account for sudden and un explained spikes. using an external probe I've seen rigs jump suddenly from the mid 30's to 80 with no reason at all. and low and behold that was when the BSOD happened.



I'm sure memory "could" cause it. but those errors are nomally memory dumps, not IRQ_LESS_THAN ones.

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