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Too many activations...


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My OEM copy of Windows XP HOME SP2 has been activated too many times... :(

Theoretically all I have to do is call them and they will give me a new one correct?

Do I have to give then any other information?


I bought this copy of windows for $79 with a pack of thumbscrews to make it OEM worthy...

So would this cause a problem since I have no vendor ID or whatever and I have no proof that my computer is OEM?


I also hear "TALK" about a registry hack to disable activation, does anyone know this?


If anyone know how to do it then please shoot me a PM, ASAP!


My copy of windows is 100% legal I just don't want monkey around for 45 minutes with Microsoft...


Another thing that is weird is that this is only the 3rd time Ive reformatted since late-2004 and I only installed a new harddrive...



This "activation" thing really ticks me off, I know it helps them insure that you bought your copy of WINDOWS, but it such a pain in the arse when this happens!

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Give M$ a call bud.
first of all, hacking it is not something I would talk about around here.

2nd. Just call them

I will most likely end up just calling them anyways, but I didn't know if anyone knew anything "special" to do... ;)


It makes me wonder why is skimped out on the non-OEM version of windows...

It would have been well worth the extra $15-20... :(

Edited by Andrewr05

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first of all, hacking it is not something I would talk about around here.


2nd. Just call them


Hacking isn't inherently illegal. He owns the copy of Windows, if he wants to edit the registry to remove a "feature", then more power to him. Now, if he were to be borrowing a copy from his friend and doing the same thing, THAT would be illegal as he hasn't paid for it.

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I was reformatting my aunt's computer with her legit XP disc that hasn't been used since she bought it in 2002. I tried to enter the serial and it said that it was used too many times... hmmm.... So I called the 1-800 number. The Indian guy on the other end asked "how many computers are you installing this on, sir?" (Hah! You can't catch me Mr Microsoftman!) I replied, "as far as I know, this is the only one." He said, "OK," and gave me the manual activation code. Tada. Done.

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I was reformatting my aunt's computer with her legit XP disc that hasn't been used since she bought it in 2002. I tried to enter the serial and it said that it was used too many times... hmmm.... So I called the 1-800 number. The Indian guy on the other end asked "how many computers are you installing this on, sir?" (Hah! You can't catch me Mr Microsoftman!) I replied, "as far as I know, this is the only one." He said, "OK," and gave me the manual activation code. Tada. Done.

Exact same story here, with my mom's computer.

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HA, German M$ > ALL!!! We don't have those indian people you can't understand on the other end of the line anymore! We have a computerizied system that asks you the questions and you answer by pressing the buttons on your phone!

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HA, German M$ > ALL!!! We don't have those indian people you can't understand on the other end of the line anymore! We have a computerizied system that asks you the questions and you answer by pressing the buttons on your phone!

well could you imagine those indian people you can't understand in english trying to speak german! :blink:



Edited by sdy284

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