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Keeping My Figners Crossed...........


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I was running Orthos for 10 hours and 23 minutes last night on my updated OC until we lost power at my house to right now I am starting an orthos run again so far so good. Remember this is Kingston Value RAM I am using here.


Clock: 3.06GHz@ 3.93GHz


Vcore: 1.53V


Temperature: Idle-28




Edited by QueenzPCfreak90

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wow it crapped out on me at 13 hours and 27 minutes. So i had to go back now. I have tried everything to stabilize it at this OC and nothing works. I don't know what to do now. :closedeyes:



I have tried all kinds of timings, added more voltage to the NB, CPU, RAM, and still nothing.I made sure my PCI clocks are right too. I even made the RAM run slower than the clockspeed at a 6:5 ratio because it soon became unstable at a 1:1 ratio. But I guess I have failed. Any ideas on what to do?

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wow it crapped out on me at 13 hours and 27 minutes. So i had to go back now. I have tried everything to stabilize it at this OC and nothing works. I don't know what to do now. :closedeyes:

I have tried all kinds of timings, added more voltage to the NB, CPU, RAM, and still nothing.I made sure my PCI clocks are right too. I even made the RAM run slower than the clockspeed at a 6:5 ratio because it soon became unstable at a 1:1 ratio. But I guess I have failed. Any ideas on what to do?




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Now if that was my computer, i would play some games and if games ran stable then i would call it a sucess but thats just me. And everytime i get a random restart or bluescreen i would bring down the OC.


And its Hamma Time andrew :P

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you know what time it is






lol maybe I can rub some on the processor and see how well it will OC





And as for Uber, no the Vcore is at 1.53V not 2.00 otherwise my room would be engulfed in flames lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

OH yes I finally hit 4GHz and its OCCT stable. I am still trying to go higher. But darn does this board overclock real well.The software says its 1.58V but its actually 1.61V in the BIOS. Here is a screenie:




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