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What Am I Missing?

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OK.... I used to overclock a ton back in the XP days, but just haven't had the time to really dig in now that I have an AMD 96 chip....


Man, its like re-learning everything!



But what am I missing????


I have the HTT up to 270, for now the CPU multi is at 9 (I know it can go quite a bit higher)

and the DRAM frequency is at 1:1 (200mhz)


But why is my Ram speed showing up soooo low.....


By my calculations it should be at 270 (1:1)


Here are some CPU-z screen shots for reference......

I feel like a n00b again, but I have good OCZ ram that should be able to handle LOTS more, but I can't get the numbers up there....


is there an obvious setting I am missing? is CPU-Z correct?



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Make sure you set your memory speed to DDR400 otherwise if left on auto, will setup a divider according to your ram


This is labeled VERY differently on many mobos, on newbie oriented boards (IE: Asus) Itll be disguised as Memory speed IE: DDR266, DDR333, DDR400, you want ddr400


and of course, it is labeled as it is on dfi boards( I believe)

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I thought I mentioned that....


the memory is set to 1:1 which is 200mhz which is DDR400


Mobo is an Asrock939 Dual SATA 2 board...

not the best, but I needed one with an AGP slot and it seems to be running well

Oh and I mis-spoke...it is G Skill PC 4000 (250mhz) ram...so I know it can handle lots more

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I thought I mentioned that....


the memory is set to 1:1 which is 200mhz which is DDR400


Mobo is an Asrock939 Dual SATA 2 board...

not the best, but I needed one with an AGP slot and it seems to be running well

Oh and I mis-spoke...it is G Skill PC 4000 (250mhz) ram...so I know it can handle lots more


Wouldn't be G.Skill HZ would it? (Check the ending of the model number) if it is, then yeah, expect speeds from about 260-270


BTW: Loosen up the timings, and set it to 1t, (IE: 3-4-4-8) But it appears that your ram is running on a divider...

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and its wierd, I have it set to 1:1

but you are right it is as if there is still a divider

Oh and I haven't touched the timings yet.... I want to figure out the Mhz first


Hmm, Someone with more experience with A64s can probably help you out here. Heh, my 3000+ wouldn't OC worth Crap :P


But, yeah, that's what I meant, Loosen up timings all the way first before figuring out mhz, tighter the timings, in all probability, less speed you'll get. That's a given usually

Edited by The Unforgivin

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I dunno if this helps at all, but try to set the divider to 200/266 or 100/133 or w/e its know as on your board and see if it goes even lower. If it stay at that, then you know something is wrong with the board, possibly RMA it or get a better board (for AGP = DFI nf3 Ultra)

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Did you set the timings to 2.5-3-3-7-2T? My guess would be that you didn't. Have you set timings at all yet, or are you just using the auto-detect timings? Those are nothing even close to the stock timings for HZs (if that is what you have). The memory divider setup for the A64 boards I've used has been so simple that there's really no discussion. Just set it where you want. No tricks. So if you're setting 1:1 and getting 2:3, I think it's time for an RMA (or maybe a BIOS flash?).


The only other suggestion would be to manually set the memory to the stock timings and see if that changes anything. HZ's at 270 1:1 2.5-3-3-7 is basically unheard of, so maybe that's part of the problem? Or try going back to 100% auto-detect stock settings and see if the board sets the ram stuff right then. The HZ's should be defaulting to 3-4-4-8, and should easily be able to handle 1T, though I don't know if your board will be able to at high HTTs.


Also, you should probably load up A64 Tweaker just to confirm that CPU-Z is picking up your settings properly.


Good luck, and keep at it. It would be a shame to see a set of HZs at or below stock :( I've seen plenty of HZ sets at 280+ fully stable.

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