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Political History Made This Day


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Today, for the first time in U.S. History, we have a woman speaker of the House.


Nancy Pelosi..


I think she will do a fine job.

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Yay for a woman being Speaker. Not Yay for that woman being Nancy Pelosi. Yeghh.


The first 100 hours of the new congress have started with a bang:


-So far we have a new ethics package that has been voted through, an ethics package that, as stated by Jim McGovern to "end the culture of corruption." Funny thing is, most of this ethics package was verbatim a package put together by the former 109th Congress. Bottom line: They passed through a package to 'end corruption' that was formulated by the 'corruptors' themselves. Go figure. Some of the ethics reforms the Dems have added in are absolutely ridiculous (especially when it comes to lobbying), but politics is nothing but image, so if they can at least 'appear' to be as clean and pure as the wind-driven snow, more power to them.


-I also read where we have some stem cell research legislation in the works, we'll see how that goes.


So far I've heard nothing today from Pelosi but "Bipartisanship!" "Bipartisanship!" I'm interested to see how that holds up once she gets a little more comfortable in her new chair.

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Oh! and did any of you guys hear the sound bite when the Dems were trying to lay out their honeymoon platform today? :lol: :lol: :lol: . All the leftist kooks were chanting "Stop the War!" "Stop funding the war!" "End funding for the war!" You couldn't even hear what the guy at the microphone was saying because of thost stupid hippies. You gotta give 'em credit though, they're trying their dangedest to turn this into Vietnam again. This just goes to show you how divided this party is, granted not much more fragmented than the Republican party is. They have everyone from backwoods conservative Democrats to "my daddy's a Dem so I'm a Dem," to these leftist anti-everything kooks. It's hard to get anything accomplished when you have such a wide variety of special interests to look out for in your constituents.

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Still, regardless of whether or not she is a nut, a wonderful step for women in general.



Some people at the office said the same thing.. She is a nut case, but it will be rather interesting to see where this new power will take and lead her and see if she has the right ideas as well as a strong heart to do whats right when the time comes.


I really hope the stem research passes. I lost my dad a few years back and it is frustrating to watch your kin suffer and pass on and know that your government does not support the research needed to cure and help those in need.


Yeah, It's funny how those of the corrupted government are now trying to clean up their act and jump on the bandwagon.. They know there is a change in the air meaning the people of this country are sick of the way things have been going and there in a rush now to cover up their past and make things right. I really don't think they can make things right but we shall see.. A lot is in the air right now on both sides. I'm a solid Democrat and I feel real strong about needing changes both for the people of this country, forien policy as well as our international image and getting back to being a counrty that cares for it's own.

Edited by madwizard

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there may be a change in the air...

but there will not be change in DC.

all of them are only intersted in thier power, and what it will get them.

little miss botox is one of the worst in that aspect.

we won't even mention she is from the city of weirdos...

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Ya know that Scott McKenzie song brings on a whole new meaning today :lol:


If you're going to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you're going to San Francisco

You're gonna meet some gentle people there (Yes, very "gentle" :wub: )


For those who come to San Francisco

Summertime will be a love-in there

In the streets of San Francisco

Gentle people with flowers in their hair


All across the nation such a strange vibration

People in motion

There's a whole generation with a new explanation (Ahhh!)

People in motion people in motion


For those who come to San Francisco

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

If you come to San Francisco

Summertime will be a love-in there


If you come to San Francisco

Summertime will be a love-in there

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Some people at the office said the same thing.. She is a nut case, but it will be rather interesting to see where this new power will take and lead her and see if she has the right ideas as well as a strong heart to do whats right when the time comes.


I really hope the stem research passes. I lost my dad a few years back and it is frustrating to watch your kin suffer and pass on and know that your government does not support the research needed to cure and help those in need.


Yeah, It's funny how those of the corrupted government are now trying to clean up their act and jump on the bandwagon.. They know there is a change in the air meaning the people of this country are sick of the way things have been going and there in a rush now to cover up their past and make things right. I really don't think they can make things right but we shall see.. A lot is in the air right now on both sides. I'm a solid Democrat and I feel real strong about needing changes both for the people of this country, forien policy as well as our international image and getting back to being a counrty that cares for it's own.



True, I hope stem research passes as well, but those wacky conservatives don't want that to happen.



there may be a change in the air...

but there will not be change in DC.

all of them are only intersted in thier power, and what it will get them.

little miss botox is one of the worst in that aspect.

we won't even mention she is from the city of weirdos...



In many respects, you are right. THere really isn't going to be a change in DC. Either way, both parties will just push forward their own agenda and screw us all. I remember watching on NBC about this one guy, I don't recall his name b/c it aired 3 years ago, but he advocated the establishment of a committee filled with professionals in particular fields to provide advice to the government. I recall him saying the following: They, meaning the professionals, wouldn't be Republican or Democrat because they'd be too smart to be either. When I heard that, I couldn't stop laughing. So true. I don't really believe much will change with the Dems in power, but that is just me. And another quote I remember reading on some website, "The only difference between Republicans and Democrats, is that one party receives a bigger check." Obviously, a bigger check from cooperations.

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w00t w00t! Hot off the presses guys! The next 'reform' put forth by our newly elected congress is a bill to give illegals SS benefits! I have an idea kids, let's add to the burden of a system on the brink of collapse by putting millions more people on its payroll without putting anymore money into it! :thumbs-up:


Heard this morning that a bill will be going to Bush that, if he signs, will provide Social Security to illegals providing they worked 8

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Sad.. very sad news. Here we have thousands of americans who are poor, homeless, need food, medical care and now they want to award illegal aliens the right to collect Social Security when they are not even Citizens of this counrty ?


Buries head is shame... :(

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