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Just Got My 175


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doing super pi 32m at the min temp hasnt went above 41c the whole time is that ok or do you think i should get a new cooler at the min i have an evo33 thanks in advance

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temperature is fine, OC it a little bit but be sure to keep the temps below 50C, and you should be alright. Can you post the stepping? Depending on what you have, you might want to invest into a new cooler and OC higher!

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install superpi into a SECOND folder

make a SECOND shorcut

open the original and the SECOND superpi

run both of them at the same time

press ctrl-alt-del and go to the performance tab and ensure both cores are at full load

go to the processes tab and click cpu and make sure there are two instances of spi running at 50% each


THEN you have your full load temp :)


well... for spi anyway... prime95 seems to make things a touch hotter iirc

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