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ok i have been using core temp to see my oc and temps of my e6600. currently im at 3.21 @ 1.2625v this is what coretemp says as well as in the properties of "my computer" says 3.21 also. now i fired up the newest cpu-z (1.38) and it says my volts are 1.200 and that my core speed is 2.493ghz, but whats even more confusing is that its reading my "rated fsb" at the correct speed but not the "bus speed". here are the screenies.

anyone know whats up?


EDIT: oh btw, my temps seem to go up 1C every couple hundred mhz i oc the thing so something has to be happening.

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That CPUZ looks fubared, heh, you apparently have SSE3 AND SSSE3 :P and no SSE4


have you tried an earlier release?

yeah i tried 1.30 but got equally fubar results....well atleast it displays the core speed and bus speed correct but voltage and other things are way off lol...look for yourself haha.


well atleast i know im running at 3.2 now and not prime95'in for the last 4 days for nothing.

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its a known cpu-z bug. The higher you OC the higher your temps will go with all other things being the same.

yeah thats what was confusing me....i saw the temps rising so i figured it had to be ocing like i thought it was.

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