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Usb Ports Give Bsod


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Whenever I touch a USB connector to the USB ports on the front of my computer, I get the blue screen of death. It isn't even if it gets plugged in, just if it makes contact with the metal. If I plug things in when the computer is off, they work just fine. Is it shorting out or something?

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Sorry about not posting my specs. Here they are:

P4 3.0gHz, Abit A17 mobo, NZXT Guardian case w/ stock 420 watt psu, ATI x800xt PE, SB Audigy 2 zs platinum


to specify the usb ports, they're the ones built into the front of the case. The BSOD happens when the metal end of the usb touches the outer metal ring of the usb port. I don't even get the chance to plug in the device before I get the blue screen.

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Same thing happened to my old computer for a while. I never really did figure out how to fix it, but I'm pretty sure that it has something to do with it shorting out while your plugging it in. I would make sure that when you are plugging it in that you arent touching anything metal on it.


I just started using the back ports on mine, cause they arent too hard to get to either and it never gave me the BSOD when I used them.


Good Luck.

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